1 2 Previous Next 21 Replies Latest reply on Apr 5, 2006 8:00 PM by elkner Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Refactored ejb3 module unit tests in 4.0 branch


        "dimitris@jboss.org" wrote:
        I think we probably need to move the setup-ejb3-dist target to the main build/build.xml. So we can do something like:

        a) build everything with jdk1.4 => normal 1.4 distro
        b) switch to jdk5 and run a target that rebuild 'aspects', builds ejb3&ejb3x, creates the additional ejb3 configuration.

        You might as well let me work on this as I will need to update how the installer builds the packs.

        • 16. Re: Refactored ejb3 module unit tests in 4.0 branch

          Go ahead.

          I think the simplest thing is to create a group with the 3 modules that require/make use of jdk5 (aspects, ejb3x, ejb3), then do

          build (using jdk1.4)
          build -Dgroups=jdk5 (using jdk5)

          • 17. Re: Refactored ejb3 module unit tests in 4.0 branch

            I have the following working:

            1. Introduced new jdk5 group with ejb3x,ejb3,aspects-jdk5

             <group name="jdk5">
             <include modules="ejb3x,ejb3,aspects-jdk5" />

            The aspects-jdk5 is a module that only contains a build.xml pointing back to the aspects module to integrate with the buildmagic module behavior. The alternative would be to hack the buildmagic code to allow the module dir to be specified (module name="aspects-jdk5" dir="aspects").

            2. partition-build has an antcall setup-ejb3-dist which contains the ejb3/build-test.xml setup-ejb3-dist logic. This is only executed if HAVE_JDK_1.5 is defined.

            • 18. Re: Refactored ejb3 module unit tests in 4.0 branch

              We are good enough for the CR2 release. Some of these I cannot reproduce running individually. I was also able to run the no-start-jboss-ejb-tests against the ejb3-clustered installer profile without any errors.

              JBoss daily test results
              Number of tests run: 272
              Successful tests: 262
              Errors: 9
              Failures: 1
              [time of test: 2006-03-31.07-28 GMT]
              [java.version: 1.5.0_05]
              [java.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.]
              [java.vm.version: 1.5.0_05-b05]
              [java.vm.name: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM]
              [java.vm.info: mixed mode]
              [os.name: Windows XP]
              [os.arch: x86]
              [os.version: 5.1]
              Useful resources:
              - http://jboss.sourceforge.net/junit-results/32/2006-03-31.07-28 for
              the junit report of this test.
              NOTE: If there are any errors shown above - this mail is only highlighting
              them - it is NOT indicating that they are being looked at by anyone.
              It is assumed that whoever makes change(s) to jboss that
              break the test will be fixing the test or jboss, as appropriate!
              DETAILS OF ERRORS
              Suite: org.jboss.ejb3.test.consumer.unit.ConsumerUnitTestCase
              Test: testDeploymentDescriptorQueueXA
              Type: failure
              Exception: junit.framework.ComparisonFailure
              Message: expected:<...1> but was:<...2>
              Suite: org.jboss.ejb3.test.dd.web.unit.WebIntegrationUnitTestCase
              Test: testEJBServlet
              Type: error
              Exception: java.net.ConnectException
              Message: Connection refused: connect
              Suite: org.jboss.ejb3.test.entityexception.unit.EntityExceptionTestCase
              Test: testEMFindExceptions
              Type: error
              Exception: javax.ejb.EJBException
              Message: org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException: No row with the given identifier exists: [org.jboss.ejb3.test.entityexception.Person#2]
              Suite: org.jboss.ejb3.test.entityexception.unit.EntityExceptionTestCase
              Test: testEMCreateQueryExceptions
              Type: error
              Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
              Message: antlr/RecognitionException
              Suite: org.jboss.ejb3.test.entityexception.unit.EntityExceptionTestCase
              Test: testQuerySingleResultExceptions
              Type: error
              Exception: javax.ejb.EJBException
              Message: javax.persistence.NoResultException: No entity found for query
              Suite: org.jboss.ejb3.test.entityexception.unit.EntityExceptionTestCase
              Test: testQuerySetHintAndParameter
              Type: error
              Exception: javax.ejb.EJBException
              Message: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: could not locate named parameter [nosuchparam]
              Suite: org.jboss.ejb3.test.regression.ejbthree290.unit.Ejb290UnitTestCase
              Test: testMerge
              Type: error
              Exception: javax.ejb.EJBException
              Message: java.lang.RuntimeException: expected IllegalArgumentException
              Suite: org.jboss.ejb3.test.regression.ejbthree440.unit.FailingTestCase
              Test: testSerializationError
              Type: error
              Exception: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException
              Suite: org.jboss.ejb3.test.security.unit.ServletUnitTestCase
              Test: testEJBServlet
              Type: error
              Exception: java.net.ConnectException
              Message: Connection refused: connect
              Suite: org.jboss.ejb3.test.ssl.unit.SSLUnitTestCase
              Test: testSSLBindings
              Type: error
              Exception: javax.naming.NamingException
              Message: Could not dereference object

              • 19. Re: Refactored ejb3 module unit tests in 4.0 branch


                Just packaging the 4.0.4.CR2 for and with jdk15 aka -ejb3.

                1) Wondering, what purpose the client/ jboss-backport-concurrent.jar has. As far as I can see, no other class/lib has a reference to it ...

                2) client/jbossws14-client.jar - hmm, wouldn't it be better to package thirdparty/jboss/jbossws/lib/jbossws-client.jar instead?

                3) rm -f client/namespace.jar ?

                4) do 1.5 client/server need jbossretro-rt.jar ?

                • 20. Re: Refactored ejb3 module unit tests in 4.0 branch

                  The 1.4 specific artifacts in both the server/* and client dirs should be removed by the setup-ejb3-dist. The jboss-backport-concurrent.jar currently is only tied to the j2se5 to j2se1.4 translation, but in the future could be a replacement for the oswego concurrent.jar.

                  • 21. Re: Refactored ejb3 module unit tests in 4.0 branch


                    "scott.stark@jboss.org" wrote:
                    The 1.4 specific artifacts in both the server/* and client dirs should be removed by the setup-ejb3-dist.
                    Yes - it is done for jboss-aop.deployer/, jbossws14.sar/.
                    The jboss-backport-concurrent.jar currently is only tied to the j2se5 to j2se1.4 translation, but in the future could be a replacement for the oswego concurrent.jar.
                    Would be really nice to get rid of oswego and to be able to use the jdk15+ classes instead. Would reduce the size for weblaunched applications quite a bit ...

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