1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 25, 2008 3:57 PM by sergeysmirnov

    DataTable filtering


      Is it possible to replace the built-in inputText it's shonw in the table header by another component ? I got a date column and I would to use a rich:calendar instead of the inputText...
      How do I do taht ?


        • 1. Re: DataTable filtering

          You can use external filtering feature. This is an example how to use selectOneMenu:

           filterExpression="#{fn:containsIgnoreCase(cap.timeZone, filteringBean.filterZone)}">
           <f:facet name="header">
           <h:selectOneMenu value="#{filteringBean.filterZone}">
           <f:selectItems value="#{filteringBean.filterZones}" />
           <a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="table" />
           <h:outputText value="#{cap.timeZone}" />