3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 3, 2008 1:57 AM by alrubinger

    EJB3 / AS Integration


      Earlier this week I started a 2-class project, EJB3 Deployers.

      The idea is to provide a home for deployers which may be shared by any assembly that uses EJB3. AS, EJB3 Embeddable, AS Embedded, EJB3 Standalone...however we can spin it.

      I'd like to continue the trend of moving EJB3 further from AS, such that AS would depend on one component only.

      So I'll introduce "org.jboss.ejb3:jboss-ejb3-as-int".

      Instead of EJB3 Core, AS will depend upon the integration project which may define things like:

      * *-jboss-beans.xml
      * Transitive dependencies for required libraries
      * AS-specific code (which should be at an absolute minimum, if at all)

      My hope is that over the next few months we're able to remove the "ejb3" module of AS entirely.


        • 1. Re: EJB3 / AS Integration
          • 2. Re: EJB3 / AS Integration

            The only point I worry about is that it must not have a dependency on AS trunk itself.

            • 3. Re: EJB3 / AS Integration


              "wolfc" wrote:
              The only point I worry about is that it must not have a dependency on AS trunk itself.

              Def not. :)

              I've committed a project skeleton, jboss-ejb3-as-int. For now it simply declares dependencies on jboss-ejb3-core and jboss-ejb3-deployers so that AS doesn't bring in deployers via core.

              Looking forward the migration path is:

              * Our deployers in AS to jboss-ejb3-deployers
              * AS-specific configurations (ie *-jboss-beans.xml) and code to jboss-ejb3-as-int
              * Stuff in the "ejb3" module in AS shouldn't depend on other AS code
              * "ejb3" module of AS gets smaller and smaller, and we get to reuse the stuff that's there elsewhere
              * AS defines dependency on jboss-ejb3-as-int alone. I'm not sure how we can move out the dependencies AS has on the "client" artifacts yet, or how those can get brought in transitively as well?
