7 Replies Latest reply on Oct 30, 2007 6:04 PM by clebert.suconic

    Need Help on Mac OS X


      I'm having problems trying to get this up & running...

      I'm getting this exception that crashes jboss.

      22:02:08,857 INFO [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [4.0.5.GA (build: CVSTag=Branch_4_0 date=200610162339)] Started in 1m:2s:65ms
      Initializing DataGathering
      [thread 28289536 also had an error]
      [thread 28155392 also had an error]
      [thread 29617152 also had an error]
      ./run.sh: line 209: 286 Trace/BPT trap "$JAVA" $JAVA_OPTS -Djava.endorsed.dirs="$JBOSS_ENDORSED_DIRS" -classpath "$JBOSS_CLASSPATH" org.jboss.Main "$@"

      Here's my configuration items:


      ls -tlar /javalib/jboss-profiler/

      -rwxr-xr-x 1 icenfros admin 40348 Feb 26 20:32 libjbossAgent.jnilib

      I built this file from the macos compile.sh script.

      It didn't build a libjbossInspector.jnilib, however I did have a left over file from the last time I tried to get this up and running (this was from early last year). Are these the same file or do this do different thing and I need both of them?

      in the jmx-console i have the following mbean:


      * mbean=Native-profiler

      once i invoke : void activate() - Start data capturing. (You will need to call stop before analyzing data)

      it crashes jboss...

      here's a couple other things about my configuration:

      in the server/default/deploy

      -rw-r--r-- 1 icenfros admin 144475 Feb 26 21:02 jboss-profiler-noAOP.sar
      -rw-r--r-- 1 icenfros admin 2438834 Feb 26 21:13 jboss-profiler.war

      in /tmp/
      rw-r--r-- 1 icenfros wheel 0 Feb 26 22:18 /tmp/serverspy_334_thread_1172549892508_37000_155.log.gz
      -rw-r--r-- 1 icenfros wheel 0 Feb 26 22:18 /tmp/serverspy_334_thread_1172549910287_42548000_157.log.gz
      -rw-r--r-- 1 icenfros wheel 0 Feb 26 22:18 /tmp/serverspy_334_thread_1172549910222_23229000_156.log.gz
      -rw-r--r-- 1 icenfros wheel 49152 Feb 26 22:18 /tmp/serverspy_334_thread_1172549531464_30000_140.log.gz
      -rw-r--r-- 1 icenfros wheel 27 Feb 26 22:18 /tmp/log_spyserver_334.txt

      if i cat the log_spyserver_334.txt :

      Initializing DataGathering

      the documentation also talks about JBossProfiler:JVMTI in the jmx-console, however I do not see this at all??? I'm wondering if that's my problem, or is this the native-profiler.

      I appreciate any help I can get from this...


      ps... what versions of jboss will this work on? Is the only limitation is the jvm version ?

        • 1. Re: Need Help on Mac OS X

          another user sent me some fixes for MacOS a while ago.

          I will give you some help with this tomorrow. (It's pretty late for me here in Austin-TX now).

          • 2. Re: Need Help on Mac OS X


            i appreciate any help you can give me. thanks,


            • 3. Re: Need Help on Mac OS X


              We are experiencing a problem starting JBoss on Mac OS X with Java 1.6, namely the "Trace/BPT trap" one.

              Would it be possible to share the "fixes for MacOS" if he has ever shared them with you?

              Ed Letifov

              • 4. Re: Need Help on Mac OS X


                I'm trying to get the JVMPI profiler running on a Mac with Java 1.5.0, however when I try to test the installation of the native library I get the following error:

                damian-harveys-computer:~ damianharvey$ java -XrunjbossInspector:/tmp Foo
                Error occurred during initialization of VM
                Could not find agent library: libjbossInspector.jnilib (searched /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Libraries:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/Library/Java/Extensions:.)
                Trace/BPT trap

                But as you can see it is present (and I even chmod'd it to 777 and 755 to be sure):
                damian-harveys-computer:~ damianharvey$ ls -la /System/Library/Java/Extensions/libjboss*
                -rwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 294328 Oct 16 17:06 /System/Library/Java/Extensions/libjbossInspector.jnilib

                I'm running Mac OS X 10.4.9 on an Intel Macbook (if that helps).

                I've seen some relevant posts that indicate that it might be caused by using the wrong library (eg. the 32 bit in place of the 64bit - http://www.jroller.com/nbprofiler/category/Tips%20&%20Tricks) but there is only the one library for mac.

                Very keen to get this running for an app that is nearing production go live. I am specifically looking to identify any methods in my app that are taking too long to execute. Is JVMPI the right tool or am I better off with JVMTI?



                • 5. Re: Need Help on Mac OS X

                  I am also on a mac, and also trying to get this running, to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.

                  • 6. Re: Need Help on Mac OS X

                    I think this project is not very active

                    • 7. Re: Need Help on Mac OS X

                      I'm the one who started the project, and I'm also involved with JBoss Messaging.... I was maxed out recently with JBM as well... where I just came back from a face to face meeting. My apologize about the delay.

                      I am converting our repository to SVN, and I have few other folks aligned to do contributions to the project. Meanwhile I left the project not attended as I used to do.

                      As for the mac, basically you will need to install the GCC/G++ compiler, and compile the libraries as you would do on any .jnilib file. There are scripts on the source tree for that. I didn't have a mac to compile the distribution...

                      After we resume the project I will try to put something together for that.