3 Replies Latest reply on May 16, 2008 11:16 AM by jesper.pedersen

    Instructions for use with JBoss 3.2.6 ?


      The readme file ssems a bit confusing for use with JBoss 3.2.6 (Yea I know we should upgrade.. it's coming:). Anyway, are there specific things I need to do to use this in 3.2.6 that are different from what the readme says.

      The readme mentions not using javassist (Whatever that is) and some other posts mention about using a different sar in the deploy dir? Also, do I comment out the javasssist line in the props file since I'm not supposed to use it?


        • 1. Re: Instructions for use with JBoss 3.2.6 ?

          Mhmm 3.2.6 thats pretty old ;)

          You are a bit on your own here - as 3.2 hasn't been tested with JDK 5, but hey if you got it working...

          I would use the ASM library as the core - the rest should _properly_ be ok. I havn't tested it, so can't say for sure.

          So go with:


          and see if that works.

          Feel free to post your results.

          • 2. Re: Instructions for use with JBoss 3.2.6 ?

            I'm still trying to work through this so bare with me. (Currently we do have JBoss3.2.6 running on Java5 .. .and we definitely plan to upgrade, but it's going to be a big undertaking due the way the current app build process is set up, but that's another issue.) Right now we have an issue where we are sometimes running out of heap space and I want to start profiling a certain condition so I'd like to get this jboss profile to work, unless someone has a better suggestion of a tool to use?

            Couple quick questions/comments.

            So far, I've modified the run java opts to include -javaagent:jboss-profiler.jar -Djboss-profiler.properties=jboss-profiler.properties

            I've added asm.jar to my jbossas/bin dir and I added it to the jboss classpath in the startup script.

            After starting up jboss locally, I then go to my jboss-profiler directory and try to start it as:
            java -jar jboss-profiler-client.jar startProfiler

            which returns with the error Can not get connection to server. Problem establishing socket connection for InvokerLocator [socket://localhost:5400/]

            I'm assuming this is because I've noticed I don't seem to have a Communicator MBean set up in jboss-service.xml ? The read me seems to imply it should exist, but I'm assuming the definition doesn't because I'm on 3.2.6? If I do need to add this, can someone post the sample mbean declaration?

            When it mentions 3rd party libraries needed in the readme, what are they for? Are those only for the ant build? or do I need to have them on my classpath in order to successfully run the profiler-client?

            Lastly, assuming I can the above working locally, I'll want to get info on the remote server. I'm a bit confused about how this works. Do I modify the profiler.properties in the remote server bin? Do I modify the mbean declaration as well? Do I just modify the host names in those files on the remote server? That wouldn't make sense since somehow my local profile-client.jar would need to know the info as well I'm assuming?

            I'm just totally confused. I have to admit the readme is a bit confusing. It has a lot of stuff in there but it's confusing.. for example there is a section called "Running the client" at line 337 - does that have to do with the example above it? Up top at line 237 there is starting the profiler but that has a ton less options. Why at line 337 do you pass in the properties as an arg but not in the startup describe at 237? Am I maybe supposed to be running the jboss-profiler-client.jar out of the jbossas/bin dir? If so, no where does it mention to copy that file into there (it only mentions to copy jboss-profiler.jar).

            Thanks for your help and patience.

            • 3. Re: Instructions for use with JBoss 3.2.6 ?

              I took a quick look at the 3.2.8.SP1 release.

              You'll need to get JBoss Remoting up and running on that release since it isn't included. Otherwise you can't connect remotely.

              You don't need to add anything to the classpath as the JARs reference each other from inside the MANIFEST.MF files.

              You modify the jboss-profiler.properties on the server where you need to profile. You then use the client to connect to that server using the -h and -p arguments. The client is run from the directory where you unpacked the distribution.

              I think that it would be quicker to get the JBoss Profiler 1.0-CR4 release up and running on your platform.