0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 14, 2008 8:09 PM by mmrack

    3 questions (mbean pause, timestamp and memory allocation pe


      Hi All,

      I'm trying profiling with JBoss Profiler 2.0.Beta1 on JBoss 4.2.2.GA and Sun JDK 1.5.02 over Windows XP sp2.

      All working fine, but I have three big questions:

      1. Where are the pause operation in Profiler MBean? The only similar button is "enable/disable profiler", but after called, the profiler cannot be resumed. What's wrong?

      2. Does some option to mark timestamps in method calling tree, like this example:

      Frame: 1
      SysTime Count Ms (T) Ms (N) % (T) % (N) Method
      1213488137703 1 5029,14 0,11 100,00 0,00 br.com.treelayer.sandbox.ejb.profiled.ProfiledEjb#metodo1(String)

      3. How to show allocation memory per method, like, "in method M, X Objects are allocated, where x1 are Strings, x2 are Lists, x3 are ClassX, and so". In this case, are possible show the memory allocation (bytes) too ?