0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 14, 2007 12:16 PM by marklittle

    Obtaining default ReplyTo EPR


      Currently there's a routine in the code called getTemporaryReplyToEpr. This should really be getDefaultReplyToEpr because that's what it tries to do: in the event a message doesn't have a ReplyTo EPR set, it tries to add a default. WS-A has some well defined rules for this, but only based on SOAP/HTTP, so we have to define our own. The current implementation has some deficienies around JMS, so here's what we're currently considering as an update. Remember, this is for messages that don't have ReplyTo set by the application.

      First of all, we'd change the name to getDefaultReplyToEpr.

      1) getDefaultReplyToEpr will always return an EPR of the same transport type as the one in the argument.

      2) JMS will be a queue(or topic) with same name as argument, with a constant appended to the name (e.g., -reply) this assumes that the queue/topic with that suffix exists.

      3) JDBC will be a table in the same DB with same name as argument, with a constant appended to the name (e.g., -reply), and the same columns as the original table.

      4) File (both local and remote) will be a file in the same directory as arg0, but with a unique reply-name appended to the _inputSuffix.