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1. Re: redelivery
marklittle Jun 15, 2008 7:10 AM (in response to jurgenvb)Have you considered using a transactional delivery mechanism, such as that supported by JMS?
2. Re: redelivery
prasha8 May 28, 2009 3:31 AM (in response to jurgenvb)Hi Mark
How does the redelivery work for external webservice call? If i use SoapClient action to invoke the webservice and assuming the webservice is down,
1. how can i ensure the redelivery of the message? how does jbossESB work for webservices in this case?
Regards -
3. Re: redelivery Mar 6, 2012 12:34 AM (in response to jurgenvb)Hi,
Did you find the solution. I am also having the same problem.