12 Replies Latest reply on Dec 6, 2011 1:37 AM by kuptservol

    Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via jBPM


      Hi there,

      this is a question about the JbpmCallback action provided by the jBPM version that is shipped with the JBoss ESB (in these tests I'm using ESB 4.4 and the contained jBPM 3.2.2 in a JBoss AS 4.2.3). I'm applying this action in order to get back from the ESB to a running process instance in jBPM. In ESB 4.4 I could also have applied the BpmProcessor service with the "SignalCommand" property for this purpose, but since this is not supported anymore in ESB 4.5 (and presumably in future version) I was looking for something general that hopefully stays.

      To get back and forth between jBPM and ESB via JbpmCallback works fine (after one finds out that the necessary process information is expected in the message at Message.getHeader().getCall().getTo(), instead of getRepyTo() ...), but what did not work for me yet is to bring new data with the message into the process.

      Specifically, I start the process (named "AccountingStandardProcess") from within the ESB like that (in the jboss-esb.xml):

      <action name="startProcessInstance" class="org.jboss.soa.esb.services.jbpm.actions.BpmProcessor">
       <property name="command" value="StartProcessInstanceCommand" />
       <property name="process-definition-name" value="AccountingStandardProcess"/>
       <property name="esbToBpmVars">
       <mapping esb="messageContent" bpm="bpmMessageContent" />
       <mapping esb="settingsESB" bpm="bpmSettingsESB" />
      So, there are two parts of the message body, messageContent and settingsESB, which are mapped into the jBPM context. This works fine, the bpm-Objects are existing within jBPM, can be modified there and are correctly returned if I call the ESB again via the ESBActionHandler (processdefintion.xml):

      <node name="Call AccountingDelegateService in ESB" async="true">
       <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.services.jbpm.actionhandlers.EsbActionHandler">
       <mapping bpm="bpmMessageContent" esb="messageContent" />
       <mapping bpm="bpmSettingsESB" esb="settingsESB" />
       <mapping esb="messageContent" bpm="bpmMessageContent" />
       <mapping esb="settingsESB" bpm="bpmSettingsESB" />
      As you can see, a part of this is commented. For just getting back to the ESB, the bpmToEsbVars mapping is enough. When I leave jBPM, the token stays at this node shown here, and gets back to it after calling JbpmCallback in jboss-esb.xml:

      <action name="prepareCallbackMessage" class="com.wincornixdorf.icash.datasupplier.esb.actions.PrepareMessageForCallback"/>
      <action name="jbpmCallback" class="org.jboss.soa.esb.services.jbpm.actions.JBpmCallback">
       <property name="esbToBpmVars">
       <mapping esb="messageContent" bpm="bpmMessageContent" />
       <mapping esb="settingsESB" bpm="bpmSettingsESB" />

      First, my action PrepareMessageForCallback just copies the "replyTo" object of the header into the "To" object (as described above). Then JbpmCallback jumps back and the process runs to its end without problems.
      The data in messageContent has been changed meanwhile (in the ESB) and I need it also in the process. If I do it like that, even if I also have such a mapping in the ESBActionHandler (commented lines above), the new content is not copied into the process.

      I tried also to give the jbpm variables new names when calling JbpmCallback, e.g.:
       <property name="esbToBpmVars">
       <mapping esb="messageContent" bpm="bpmMessageContent2" />
       <mapping esb="settingsESB" bpm="bpmSettingsESB2" />

      in order to access the changend content at a new name in jBPM, but this resulted in a runtime error which sounded somehow like that he was not able to create these variables at this stage.

      So I guess, context variables in jBPM are only created at the start of the process, not when getting back to a running instance. This would make sense, but why can't I transmit changed message data when re-entering? Did I miss something or isn't this possible in principle? If not, this would be a hard restriction for using a combination of jBPM and the ESB.

      Looking forward to your help,

      Andre Skusa, Wincor Nixdorf, Germany

        • 1. Re: Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via

          Hi Andre!

          As I can see in the code, the "esbToBpmVars" property (from the processdefinition.xml) IS used, but I guess you have to copy it fto Message.getHeader().getCall().getTo() as well (like the token id stuff).

          Does that help?

          Best thing I can encourage is to look at the code how it is implemented. Even is that is a bit wired in the current implementation (will be rewritten in future).


          • 2. Re: Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via

            Hi Bernd,

            thanks, that helped!

            For all who are interested, here are some details of the solution:

            The esbToBpmVars are read by jBPM like this

            String esbToBpmXml = toEpr.getAddr().getExtensionValue(Constants.ESB_TO_BPM_VARS_TAG);

            So, this variable needs to be set into the EPR of the Call-Object of the header.

            And it should contain the XML code of the mappings that I put before into the properties of the jbpmCallback-Action, i.e.:

            <property name="esbToBpmVars">
             <mapping esb="messageContent" bpm="bpmMessageContent" />
             <mapping esb="settingsESB" bpm="bpmSettingsESB" />

            So, the setting of this variable looks finally like that:

            String esbToBpmVars = "<property name=\"esbToBpmVars\"> ";
            esbToBpmVars = esbToBpmVars + "<mapping esb=\"messageContent\" bpm=\"bpmMessageContent\" /> ";
            esbToBpmVars = esbToBpmVars + "<mapping esb=\"settingsESB\" bpm=\"bpmSettingsESB\" /> ";
            esbToBpmVars = esbToBpmVars + "</property> ";
            PortReference portReference = replyTo.getAddr();
            portReference.addExtension(Constants.ESB_TO_BPM_VARS_TAG, esbToBpmVars);


            Andre Skusa, Wincor Nixdorf, Germany

            • 3. Re: Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via

              Hi Andre,

              wouldn't it be nicer to keep this configuration in the processdefinition.xml and just copy this attribute from the replyTo() to the to()?


              • 4. Re: Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via

                Hi Bernd,

                yes, of course, obviously this was still somehow not clear to me. I just tested it and it works as well.

                So, you "only" need to set the esbToBpmVars-Mapping in the processdefiniton.xml and afterwards take care about that this mapping is also copied from replyTo() to To() in the Call object of the message header.

                Thanks again!


                • 5. Re: Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via

                  Apologies for coming into this late.

                  The EsbActionHandler should be initialising all information necessary, from the jBPM process definition, so that BpmCallback has access to the information necessary to signal the job.

                  At present this information includes
                  - esbToBpmVars
                  - whether these are set in global scope or not
                  - token id
                  - node id
                  - process instance id
                  - node version counter

                  All that should be necessary is to reply using this EPR (done automatically if you have a RequestResponse service) with data which matches the expectations of the process definition.

                  What I do not understand is why you need to create the EPR, at least if I am following this correctly. Can you please elaborate on this?


                  • 6. Re: Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via

                    Hi Kevin,

                    thanks for coming in into this discussion!

                    Let me first just briefly explain what I'm generally doing: I'm using the JBoss AS, ESB and jBPM. In the AS there are some EJBs sending messages into one central ESB gateway queue and retrieving messages from other JMS queues (not ESB aware). So the process is like that:

                    a. the ESB retrieves a message that starts the jBPM process with the ESB action/property BpmProcessor/StartProcessInstanceCommand. Also I add here the esbToBpmVars

                    b. In the jBPM process I jump back to the ESB with the ESBActionHandler. Here I need to specify the esbToBpmVars again as well as the bpmToEsbVars for transporting the changed variables into the ESB.

                    c. Back in the ESB I'm sending a message to an "outside" ordinary JMS queue (i.e., not ESB aware). This is retrieved by one of the EJBs and at one later point in time (i.e, completely asynchronous) this EJB sends again a message to the ESB gateway, which now does of course not start again the jBPM process, but should be able to jump back to the still running process.

                    In order to realize espcially c, I had to look for a method to jump back. For now we're still using ESB 4.4, but of course don't want to apply methods that won't be available in future. Since I read in the blog of Bernd that this is the case for the ESB action/command BpmProcessor/SignalCommand, I tried to use BpmCallback.

                    It is true that the necessary process information to get back via BpmCallback is copied into the message header when leaving jBPM with the EsbActionHandler. But there are two problems with it:

                    p1. The EsbActionHandler copies the necesary information into the replyTo-EPR of message.header.call, but BpmCallback expects this information at the to-EPR. I found this in the code of BpmCallback:

                    EPR toEpr = message.getHeader().getCall().getTo();

                    e.g. at




                    So, even if you stay inside jBPM/ESB (i.e., if jBPM starts a service that immediately calls the BpmCallback action) you need to copy the replyTo-EPR to the To-EPR.

                    p2. This is not really a problem, but merely the fact that if you "leave" the ESB as I described in a. to c. above, you need to get the process information from the message leaving the ESB and set it into the new message (at Header.Call.setTo of course) entering again the ESB and attempting to call back the running jBPM problem. That is why I need to create an EPR. But this works without problems.

                    Also it is no real problem to go around p1 by copying the information to the expected destination, although it is a bit tricky to figure out ...

                    Regarding the variable mappings it is like that I know now that these are also to be copied with the other process information (like tokenId etc.). But I need also specify it at all the places I described above (a-c). From your post I understand that you think that it is sufficient to define both mappings (esbToBpmVars and bpmToEsbVars) only at the start of the jBPM process, but this is definitely not the case, I just tested it again. Both mappings need to be specified in all jBPM nodes that leave jBPM into the ESB. If I leave out the bpmToEsb mapping, the changes done inside jPBM are not transimitted to the ESB and if I leave out the esbToBpmVars mapping at this place, the changes in the data done in the ESB are not transferred back to jBPM.

                    But again, also this is not problematic as you know how to do it :-).

                    So, the only things I would recommend are to document BpmCallback a bit better if this is really the preferred way for combining jBPM and the ESB. And maybe to get the information from replyTo, where it is already copied to. Then BpmCallback would be more intuitive to use.

                    One additional thing: I figured out that if you immediately call back the jBPM process after leaving it, (or if you start several times the same process) you need to have a short stop time in between (e.g., Thread.sleep(10) is enough) in order to have jBPM up and ready. If the calls are too fast, the token is still locked. Maybe such a small pause could be included into the call back.

                    Hope, you understand my setting better and these explanations were not too exhaustive ... :-)



                    • 7. Re: Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via


                      "andreskusa" wrote:
                      p1. The EsbActionHandler copies the necesary information into the replyTo-EPR of message.header.call, but BpmCallback expects this information at the to-EPR.

                      This is correct. The invocations from EsbActionHandler are sending messages to a target service (the To EPR) and also including the necessary information for replying (the ReplyTo EPR).

                      "andreskusa" wrote:
                      So, even if you stay inside jBPM/ESB (i.e., if jBPM starts a service that immediately calls the BpmCallback action) you need to copy the replyTo-EPR to the To-EPR.

                      But jBPM should not be invoking the reply service, it should be invoking another service which then sends its reply to the callback service. The processing of a RequestResponse mep in the pipeline will send a response to the ReplyTo EPR and, in this way, we are no different from specs such as WS-Addressing.

                      "andreskusa" wrote:
                      p2. This is not really a problem, but merely the fact that if you "leave" the ESB as I described in a. to c. above, you need to get the process information from the message leaving the ESB and set it into the new message (at Header.Call.setTo of course) entering again the ESB and attempting to call back the running jBPM problem. That is why I need to create an EPR. But this works without problems.

                      Okay, that explains things. It is the correlation between the internal EPR and external services that we are currently missing.

                      "andreskusa" wrote:
                      Regarding the variable mappings it is like that I know now that these are also to be copied with the other process information (like tokenId etc.). But I need also specify it at all the places I described above (a-c). From your post I understand that you think that it is sufficient to define both mappings (esbToBpmVars and bpmToEsbVars) only at the start of the jBPM process, but this is definitely not the case

                      No, they need to be specified on every node that communicates with the ESB. They define the variables which are specific to that invocation and are not specified globally on the process.

                      "andreskusa" wrote:
                      I just tested it again. Both mappings need to be specified in all jBPM nodes that leave jBPM into the ESB. If I leave out the bpmToEsb mapping, the changes done inside jPBM are not transimitted to the ESB and if I leave out the esbToBpmVars mapping at this place, the changes in the data done in the ESB are not transferred back to jBPM.

                      This is correct.

                      "andreskusa" wrote:
                      So, the only things I would recommend are to document BpmCallback a bit better if this is really the preferred way for combining jBPM and the ESB. And maybe to get the information from replyTo, where it is already copied to. Then BpmCallback would be more intuitive to use.

                      One thing that would also help would be to remove the variable mapping and scope from the EPR as there is no real need for this to be included in the information sent back to the callback service. They can be retrieved automatically from the process definition.

                      "andreskusa" wrote:
                      One additional thing: I figured out that if you immediately call back the jBPM process after leaving it, (or if you start several times the same process) you need to have a short stop time in between (e.g., Thread.sleep(10) is enough) in order to have jBPM up and ready. If the calls are too fast, the token is still locked. Maybe such a small pause could be included into the call back.

                      This is strange, the messages should be covered by a transaction and sent on the transaction boundary. Can you send me an example of this?

                      "andreskusa" wrote:
                      Hope, you understand my setting better and these explanations were not too exhaustive ... :-)

                      I have a much better understanding, thanks for this.


                      • 8. Re: Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via


                        "andreskusa" wrote:
                        So, even if you stay inside jBPM/ESB (i.e., if jBPM starts a service that immediately calls the BpmCallback action) you need to copy the replyTo-EPR to the To-EPR.

                        "Kevin.Conner@jboss.com" wrote:

                        But jBPM should not be invoking the reply service, it should be invoking another service which then sends its reply to the callback service. The processing of a RequestResponse mep in the pipeline will send a response to the ReplyTo EPR and, in this way, we are no different from specs such as WS-Addressing.

                        No, sorry, the way I meant it was the way you described it: I did not start the bpmCallback-Service from jBPM, but rather started an ESB service (via EsbActionHandler) which directly called the action org.jboss.soa.esb.services.jbpm.actions.JBpmCallback. This is what I mean with "inside" in comparison to what I described by the correlation of internal EPR and external services.

                        So, since I "leave" the ESB I have to create a new EPR anyway and it doesn't matter for me so much now that I need to call an action which fills my to-Object in the EPR.

                        I just tried such an "internal" test again and tried to use also the JbpmCallback-Service instead of only the action. But I get in both cases only errors like that:

                        11:52:40,825 INFO [STDOUT] 277838 [WorkManager(2)-4] WARN org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.message.ActionProcessingPipeline - Unexpected exception caught while processing the action pipeline: header: [ To: JMSEpr [ PortReference < <wsa:Address jms://localhost:2001/queue/CallbackQueue/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:java.naming.factory.initial : org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:java.naming.provider.url : localhost:2001/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:java.naming.factory.url.pkgs : org.jnp.interfaces/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:destination-type : queue/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:specification-version : 1.1/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:connection-factory : ConnectionFactory/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:persistent : true/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:acknowledge-mode : AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:transacted : false/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:type : urn:jboss/esb/epr/type/jms/> > ] ReplyTo: EPR: PortReference < <wsa:Address logical:JBossESB-Internal#JBpmCallbackService/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:esbToBpmVars : />, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:jbpmTokenId : 2260992/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:jbpmNodeId : 1998849/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:jbpmProcessInstId : 2228224/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:jbpmProcessNodeVersionCounter1998849_2260992 : 0/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:type : urn:jboss/esb/epr/type/logical/> > MessageID: 12d7505a-7ab0-4392-baf3-4a166f3e0a02 RelatesTo: jms:correlationID#12d7505a-7ab0-4392-baf3-4a166f3e0a02 ]
                        org.jbpm.JbpmException: couldn't execute org.jboss.soa.esb.services.jbpm.cmd.CallbackCommand@4fa1cd
                        at org.jbpm.command.impl.CommandServiceImpl.execute(CommandServiceImpl.java:73)
                        at org.jboss.soa.esb.services.jbpm.cmd.CommandExecutor.executeJbpmCommand(CommandExecutor.java:238)
                        at org.jboss.soa.esb.services.jbpm.cmd.CommandExecutor.access$100(CommandExecutor.java:55)
                        at org.jboss.soa.esb.services.jbpm.cmd.CommandExecutor$3.execute(CommandExecutor.java:145)
                        at org.jboss.soa.esb.services.jbpm.actions.JBpmCallback.process(JBpmCallback.java:68)
                        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

                        Which is currently no problem for me, I'm happy now using the bpmCallback action.

                        I will need a bit more time (hope to have that time the next days) to create again a testing situation where I use direct callbacks and can hopefully also reproduce the time out thing I also described. Then I'll get back to you.

                        Thanks again,


                        • 9. Re: Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via


                          First @Andre: I think what Kevin meant is, that if you use the action mep="RequestResponse" in the service you call from the process the JbpmCallback is triggered outomatically, you don't have to code that yourself.

                          But this is a different use case. There the Callback works as expected out-of-the-box without problems.

                          Kevin wrote:

                          Okay, that explains things. It is the correlation between the internal EPR and external services that we are currently missing.

                          +1!!! This is what I raised already a couple of times: Removing the SignalCommand befor this problem is solved. I think there we should come up with some working solution shortly and document it properly. What do you think Kevin?

                          And for integrating jbpm 4 we should find a really decent correlation mechanism :-)


                          • 10. Re: Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via



                            I am a new in jboss ESB, I am triyng to make JBPM and JBOSS ESB exchange().


                            my example is that jbpm calls ESB and get the response, when i test the esb using soapUI the process work fine, but using JBPM i have the exception below


                            org.jboss.soa.esb.ConfigurationException: No EPR present in process instance

                                      at org.jboss.soa.esb.services.jbpm.actionhandlers.EsbActionHandler.execute(EsbActionHandler.java:137)


                            my jboss-esb.xml


                            <?xml version="1.0"?>
                            <jbossesb parameterReloadSecs="5"
                            xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://anonsvn.labs.jboss.com/labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/etc/schemas/xml/jbossesb-1.3.0.xsdhttp://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/labs/labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/etc/schemas/xml/jbossesb-1.3.0.xsd">
                              <jbr-provider name="ibaSommeHttpGateway" protocol="http">
                               <jbr-bus busid="ibaSommeHttpGateway" port="9999"/>
                              <jbr-provider name="ibaMultiplicationHttpGateway" protocol="http">
                               <jbr-bus busid="ibaMultiplicationHttpGateway" port="7777"/>
                            <service category="Calcule"
                               description="calcule la somme de deux valeurs" invmScope="GLOBAL" name="somme">
                                <jbr-listener busidref="ibaSommeHttpGateway" is-gateway="true" name="ibaHttpSommeGatewayListener"/>
                               <actions mep="RequestResponse">
                                <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.routing.http.HttpRouter" name="ibaSommeHttpRouter">
                                 <property name="method" value="POST"/>
                                 <property name="endpointUrl" value="http://localhost:8080/somme/SommeService?wsdl"/>
                                 <property name="endpointAdresse" value="http://localhost:8080/somme/SommeService?wsdl"/>
                                 <property name="reply-to-originator" value="true"/>
                                <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.SystemPrintln" name="message">
                                 <property name="message" value="in the somme yoooou pi ESB"/>
                              <service category="Calcule"
                               description="calcule la multiplication de deux valeurs"
                               invmScope="GLOBAL" name="multiplication">
                                <jbr-listener busidref="ibaMultiplicationHttpGateway"
                                 is-gateway="true" name="ibaHttpMultiGatewayListener"/>
                               <actions mep="RequestResponse">
                                <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.routing.http.HttpRouter" name="ibaMultiplicationHttpRouter">
                                 <property name="method" value="POST"/>
                                 <property name="endpointUrl" value="http://localhost:8080/multiplication/MultiplicationService?wsdl"/>
                                  <property name="reply-to-originator" value="true"/>
                                <action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.SystemPrintln" name="message">
                                 <property name="message" value="in the multiplication ESB"/>





                            and the precessdefinition.xml



                            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                            <process-definition xmlns="urn:jbpm.org:jpdl-3.2"
                                      <start-state name="start">
                                                <transition to="somme" name="callSomme">
                                                          <action name="action">
                                                                    <message>Going to the SOe</message>
                                      <node name="somme">
                                                                    <mapping bpm="a" esb="a"></mapping>
                                                                    <mapping bpm="b" esb="b"></mapping>
                                                                    <mapping bpm="somme" esb="somme"></mapping>
                                                <transition to="fin" name="tofin">
                                      <end-state name="fin"></end-state>


                            the java code :



                                 JbpmConfiguration jbpmConfiguration = JbpmConfiguration.getInstance(); 
                                 JbpmContext jbpmContext = jbpmConfiguration.createJbpmContext();
                                 GraphSession graphSession = jbpmContext.getGraphSession();
                                 ProcessDefinition processDefinition =
                                 String a = request.getParameter("a");
                                 String b = request.getParameter("b");
                                 ProcessInstance processInstance = new ProcessInstance(processDefinition);
                                 Token token = processInstance.getRootToken();
                                 ContextInstance contextInstance = processInstance.getContextInstance();
                                 contextInstance.setVariable("a", new Float(500));
                                 contextInstance.setVariable("b", new Float(500));




                            is there anything that i messed ?



                            for information i am using jboss-esb4.9,  jbpm 3.2  and jbossAS 5.1.0GA


                            thank you for your help



                            • 11. Re: Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via

                              hi Andre Skusa,


                              I am facing similar issues on how to callback jbpm from esb, when the bpm process stops at a state.  Basically i want to do a state machine.  I tried to use the action method to call back jbpm, however i couldn't figure out how to make the EPR as mentioned by you in this post.


                                              <action name="continue_process_instance" class="org.jboss.soa.esb.services.jbpm.actions.JBpmCallback">



                              Would it be possible to share some code samples on this?

                              Many thanks.

                              • 12. Re: Problems with transmitting content from ESB to jBPM via jBPM

                                You said - "So, there are two parts of the message body, messageContent and settingsESB, which are mapped into the jBPM context. This works fine, the bpm-Objects are existing within jBPM". How do you understood this? I mean how can i get this objects in jBPM process(in ActionHandler for example).