1 2 Previous Next 24 Replies Latest reply on Dec 4, 2006 9:41 AM by jahlborn Go to original post
      • 15. Re: EJB 3.0 and env-entry injection

        I've just committed changes that will be included in EJB RC4 to enable the following, per the spec:

        @Resource int maxExemptions = 4;


        • 16. Re: EJB 3.0 and env-entry injection

          I just confirmed that the injection for the following scenario works properly. Please post exactly what is going wrong when you use <injection-target>. Thanks

          int minExceptions = 1;


          • 17. Re: EJB 3.0 and env-entry injection


            "bdecoste" wrote:
            I just confirmed that the injection for the following scenario works properly. Please post exactly what is going wrong when you use <injection-target>. Thanks

            As I said before the only details that seem to be available on this is that my parameter just does not get set. The log file shows that Jboss sees my ejb-jar.xml file, but there's only the one line about it. It doesn't report an error or throw an exception or anything. Nothing.

            I've posted the full ejb-jar.xml file that I've tried using to see if I could get some pointers on what I'm doing wrong, but I don't seem to be getting any help there. (That's the last comment on page 1 of this tread, by the way.)

            I've also asked if someone could please post a FULL (as in the whole thing) ejb-jar.xml file which is working so that I can look at it and figure it out myself. If you have one that is working would you please post the entire thing? Please? Pretty please?

            Maybe I just have the <env-entry> stuff in the wrong place in the file. I just don't know. I've checked the Sun specs on it and based on that and the few examples I've seen I think I have everything in the right place. But then again the Sun spec doesn't mention anything about <injection-target> so maybe what I need is something different than the spec.

            So again, there is no more info I can really give you on this unless you can tell me what I need to do to get it. With no errors being thrown that leads me to belive that I'm awfully close. I'd really love to see the full ejb-jar.xml of a working example. I'm sure I could figure it out from there.


            • 18. Re: EJB 3.0 and env-entry injection

              When do you plan to release RC4?

              • 19. Re: EJB 3.0 and env-entry injection

                So does no one actually have this working, or just can no one be bothered to post the full working configuration?


                • 20. Re: EJB 3.0 and env-entry injection

                  If you download the entire source from CVS (jboss-head), there are examples in the ejb3 JUnit tests. Take a look at the enventry test. Here is an example bean and ejb-jar.xml

                  public class TestEnvEntryBean
                  implements TestEnvEntry
                  private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TestEnvEntryBean.class);

                  @Resource(name="maxExceptions") private int maxExceptions = 4;

                  @Resource private int numExceptions = 3;

                  private int minExceptions = 1;

                  public int getMaxExceptions()
                  return maxExceptions;

                  public int getNumExceptions()
                  return numExceptions;

                  public int getMinExceptions()
                  return minExceptions;


                  <display-name>EnvEntry Tests</display-name>




                  • 21. Re: EJB 3.0 and env-entry injection

                    I thought I was having a similar problem to Jeremy. In the end I found that it was my own fault. I had packaged my ejb-xml file in 'meta-inf' folder (lower case). I tried using upper case, 'META-INF', and it worked fine. It's quite a novice mistake to make but sure I'm not the only one who has made it so hopefully this post will benefit someone else.

                    • 22. Re: EJB 3.0 and env-entry injection

                      Here is an example.
                      All three work but I have shown the first 2 in this example



                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                      <ejb-jar version="3.0"
                      xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee ../../../testapp/ejb-jar_3_0.xsd ">

                      package com.suresh.ejb.test;
                      import java.sql.Connection;
                      import java.sql.ResultSet;
                      import javax.annotation.Resource;
                      import javax.naming.Context;
                      import javax.naming.InitialContext;
                      import javax.sql.DataSource;
                      import com.suresh.ejb.test.Hello;
                      @javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute (value=javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS)
                      public class HelloBean implements Hello {
                       @Resource private String urls;
                       @Resource(name="username") private String provider;
                       @Resource(name="password") private String pwd;
                       @Resource private String location;
                       public String greet() {
                       return urls + " " + location + " " + pwd + " " + provider + " at " + greet1();
                       //example of datasource
                       public String greet1() {
                       String data = null;
                       Connection c = null;
                       try {
                       Context ctx = new InitialContext();
                       DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:comp.ejb3/env/jdbc/user");
                       ResultSet rs = ds.getConnection().createStatement().executeQuery("select sysdate from dual");
                       while (rs.next()) {
                       data = rs.getString(1);
                       } catch (Exception e) {
                       } finally {
                       try {
                       } catch (Exception e) {
                       return data;

                      package comsuresh.ejb.test;
                      import javax.ejb.Remote;
                      public interface Hello {
                       public String greet();

                      Ran with 4.0.4GA + EJB RC9

                      • 23. Re: EJB 3.0 and env-entry injection

                        I don't know if anyone noticed, but the original problem case was using a Service bean, not a Stateless bean. I'm also using Service beans and running into the exact same problem: there does not seem to be any way to provide external configuration for them. If anyone has a working example for Service beans, I'd love to see it.

                        • 24. Re: EJB 3.0 and env-entry injection

                          At this point, I pretty convinced this is not currently possible, so I've filed a feature request:


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