0 Replies Latest reply on May 8, 2008 10:19 AM by grundor

    Checkbox tree - checkbox <before> image

      I am adding checkboxes to nodes in a rich:tree.

      I would like to have my checkboxes appear before the node image instead of after. I also need to support a partial check state, so am using images for checkboxes instead of form controls.

      I see 2 possibilites both of which have caused problems:

      1. Put both images in icon/iconLeaf facets

       <f:facet name="icon">
       <h:graphicImage url="img/checkbox_unchecked.jpg"/>
       <h:graphicImage url="img/season.png"/>

      Problem here is that because the default width of a facet is 16px for tree node icons only the first image shows up. Is there a way to change the width of the facet? I tried using style attr on facet tag but did not seem to work.

      2. Put both images in node content itself and turn off node image.
      I haven't found a way, however, of turning off node images completely.

      Essentially it all comes down to - how do you set the width of the facet used for the tree node images?
