2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 20, 2006 5:58 PM by jgilbert

    Group By Error


      I get the following execption:

      java.sql.SQLException: Not in aggregate function or group by clause:

      when I try to run this EQL statement:

      select p.agency.name, p.customer.name, sum(p.amount)
       from Payment p
       group by p.agency.name, p.customer.name
       having p.date between :startDate and :endDate

      If I change the group by statement to this:

      group by p.agency.name, p.customer.name, p.date

      Then the error goes away, but obviously I don't get the result I wanted.

      Any thoughts? Am I doing something wrong? Or is this a bug?

        • 1. Re: Group By Error

          As per the spec
          The HAVING clause must specify search conditions over the grouping items or aggregate functions that
          apply to grouping items.

          Same restriction as in SQL AFAIK

          • 2. Re: Group By Error


            I changed the having to a where and everything is good.

             select p.agency.name, p.customer.name, sum(p.amount)
             from Payment p
             where p.date between :startDate and :endDate
             group by p.agency.name, p.customer.name