1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 2, 2009 2:22 AM by jaikiran

    Annotations processing does not work with isolated classload



      We have an application with a couple of beans where the SessionContext is injected through an annotation. We're using 4.2.2

      Everything is working fine. Because we want the EAR file to be deployed alongside another application that uses some shared librairies, we switched the isolation mode by adding the <loader-repository> element in the jboss-app.xml of the ear.

      Since then, the session context is not injected anymore. I tried to switch from field annotation to setter annotation and I can see that the debugger is null.

      See also this stacktrace

      AdminBean(AbstractSessionBean).setSessionContext(SessionContext) line: 53
      NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line: not available [native method]
      NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 39
      DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
      Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 585
      MethodBeanProperty.set(Object, Object) line: 95
      EJBContextPropertyInjector.inject(BeanContext, Object) line: 50
      EJBContextPropertyInjector.inject(BeanContext) line: 45
      InfinitePool(AbstractPool).create() line: 111
       org.jboss.ejb3.AbstractPool#injectors.length == 0 => SessionContext not set
      InfinitePool.get() line: 49
      ThreadlocalPool.create() line: 50
      ThreadlocalPool.get() line: 90
      StatelessInstanceInterceptor.invoke(Invocation) line: 54
      EJBContainerInvocation<A,T>(MethodInvocation).invokeNext() line: 101
      RoleBasedAuthorizationInterceptor(RoleBasedAuthorizationInterceptor).invoke(Invocation) line: 166
      RoleBasedAuthorizationInterceptor.invoke(Invocation) line: 115
      EJBContainerInvocation<A,T>(MethodInvocation).invokeNext() line: 101
      Ejb3AuthenticationInterceptor(AuthenticationInterceptor).invoke(Invocation) line: 77
      Ejb3AuthenticationInterceptor.invoke(Invocation) line: 110
      EJBContainerInvocation<A,T>(MethodInvocation).invokeNext() line: 101
      ENCPropagationInterceptor.invoke(Invocation) line: 46
      EJBContainerInvocation<A,T>(MethodInvocation).invokeNext() line: 101
      AsynchronousInterceptor.invoke(Invocation) line: 106
      EJBContainerInvocation<A,T>(MethodInvocation).invokeNext() line: 101
      StatelessContainer.dynamicInvoke(Object, Invocation) line: 304
      Dispatcher.invoke(Invocation) line: 106
      AOPRemotingInvocationHandler.invoke(InvocationRequest) line: 82
      SocketServerInvoker(ServerInvoker).invoke(InvocationRequest) line: 769
      ServerThread.processInvocation(SocketWrapper) line: 573
      ServerThread.dorun() line: 373
      ServerThread.run() line: 166

        • 1. Re: Annotations processing does not work with isolated class

          Works fine for me. Please post more details including the configuration files (application.xml and jboss-app.xml) and the source code where the session context is being injected and used.

          Also are you packaging any jar files containing javax.ejb.* or javax.annotation.* or any jboss specific jar files in your application? If yes, then remove those from the application. Also please post the output of:

          jar -tf myapp.ear