0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 9, 2007 6:14 AM by bgonline

    Service invoked remotely by another service by http invoker



      I use HttpInvoker remoting technology of Spring to access services remotely.
      I'm running under JBoss-4.0.3.

      I have a service that invoke remotely another service by HttpInvoker.
      These 2 services are deployed in 2 separated wars.
      In each war, there is the object ClientIdentification.

      First, the service MyService calls remotely the other service ClientService to get the object ClientIdentification (1).
      Then, the service MyService calls remotely the other service ClientService to update the object ClientIdentification. (2)

      public void MyService {
       public void updateClient() {
       // (1)
       ClientIdentification clientIdentification = this.clientService.viewClient("000001");
       // (2)

      When I do the update, there is the following exception :
      org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Class not found during deserialization;
      nested exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for: com.cwsoft.client.client.businessobject.ClientIdentification
      Caused by:
      java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for: com.cwsoft.client.client.businessobject.ClientIdentification

      I suspect that the classloader of the ClientIdentification object in the caller service is not the same as the ClientIdentification object in the service accessed.

      Is there any solution or advice to resolve this problem ?

      Thanks in advance,