1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 23, 2009 11:00 AM by vklogica

    CLOSING byte in ServerSocketWrapper



      Hi Ron,

      In a comment to Jira JBREM-690 you wrote about the connection checking.

      Now apparently this causes a lot of SocketException (unable to writing CLOSING byte)
      in 4.2.3, RMI with SSL. Non-encrypted connection did not produce the exceptions.

      Do you think there is sense to follow this and try to get rid of this?
      Otherwise the communication seems to working just fine.



      Hi Victor,

      The fact that this message is logged at DEBUG level is meant to indicate that it's not a significant concern. However, I can see dialing it down to TRACE level: JBREM-1085 "Reduce log level of ServerSocketWrapper.close() log messages" (https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBREM-1085).