3 Replies Latest reply on May 16, 2006 1:38 AM by alesj

    Spring and the classLoader...

      I have multiple WAR's within an EAR and a JAR with my common business classes.

      My applcationContext is in my war within the ear. My problem is It WILL find my classes except one of them that is ApplicationContextAware.

      Anyone had issues such as these before?

        • 1. Re: Spring and the classLoader...

          Not the right forum to address this: http://java.sys-con.com/read/180386.htm

          This is what JBoss/Spring integration is about.
          Probably the rigth place would be Spring forum.

          btw: is that class present in classpath?
          btw2: NoClassDefException found or ClassCastException?
          btw3: give more info next time

          • 2. Re: Spring and the classLoader...

            It turned out to be that I needed to put the spring.jar in my server/lib. Now I have a seperate issue that the ApplicationContextAware bean upon initization, is not getting its setApplicationContext run.

            • 3. Re: Spring and the classLoader...

              Isn't ApplicationContextAware an interface?

              If your bean implements this interface and is then a part of certain ApplicationContext and not plain Bean Factory, then it should normally get his ApplicationContext owner instance injected.