1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 1, 2005 5:44 AM by koen.aers

    problem with timers



      I have a problem with a timer. When it executes, it takes a transition to a previous state and create the tasks instances for the new node. But when the timer executes again, it doesn't create the task instances. here is the procssdef:

       <task-node name="GeneracionOficioUniversidad">
       <!-- task name="generarOficioUniversidad" swimlane="usuarioActual" blocking="true"-->
       <task name="generarOficioUniversidad" blocking="true">
       <assignment expression='variable(login)'/>
       <variable name="login" />
       <variable name="idTitulo" access="read" />
       <variable name="idDocente" access="read" />
       <variable name="mensajeUniversidad" access="read" />
       <transition name="tr4" to="DigitacionRespuestaUniversidad"></transition>
       <task-node name="DigitacionRespuestaUniversidad">
       <!-- task name="digitarRespuestaUniversidad" swimlane="usuarioActual" blocking="true"-->
       <task name="digitarRespuestaUniversidad" blocking="true">
       <assignment expression='variable(login)'/>
       <variable name="login" />
       <variable name="idTitulo" access="read" />
       <variable name="idDocente" access="read" />
       <variable name="rptaUniversidad" />
       duedate="120 seconds">
       <action class="com.edesa.esc.actions.VencimientoOficioUniversidad" />
       <transition name="tr5" to="valido2"></transition>
       <transition name="tr18" to="GeneracionOficioUniversidad"></transition>
      what am I doing wrong?

        • 1. Re: problem with timers

          If I am not mistaken, I have seen this issue on these forums before. I think there is a JIRA entry regarding this as well. If I am mistaken, please provide a testcase to prove the buggy behaviour and file a JIRA issue attaching the test. If you provide the fix as well we will of course be extremely happy ;-)
