2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 15, 2005 4:33 PM by jpaagt

    Dates problem



      I've been having problems with dates in JBPM. I think it has to do with the user timezone but I haven't figured it out yet. My timezone is GMT -5, I'm currently using JBPM version 3.01, on Jboss AS 4.0.0, on a Fedora Core 4.

      An example of the problem is as follows: When a new task is created, the creation date of the task is five hours ahead of the server time. When the task is modified (example: it is marked as ended), the start date shifts another five hours (in total ten hours) and the end date is five hours off.

      I've tried to run Jboss AS with a user.timezone param of GMT -5, I've double checked the server's time configuration, and nothing seems to work. Has anybody else had a similar problem.

      Thank you.

        • 1. Re: Dates problem

          could you create a jira issue for this ?

          if you add a way for us to reproduce it (which property do we have to set to get your behaviour), then we probably can fix it quickly.

          regards, tom.

          • 2. Re: Dates problem

            We did a few more tests and it seems that it's not a Jbpm bug. We are working with PostgreSQL 8 and we had not set a timezone parameter in the postgresql.conf file. We still have more tests to perform, but the problem apparently has been solved.

            It's difficult to debug and test these timezone problems because it could work in one configuration and not in another, and since every system has it's own timezone configuration, it's difficult to know who is to blame.

            Sorry for the false alarm.