1 2 3 Previous Next 32 Replies Latest reply on Oct 15, 2008 6:07 AM by andreas_back Go to original post
      • 15. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears


        "Mark Rich" wrote:
        keep tracking this problem. it's the component I really need in my application. Hope it can be solved asap.

        Problem is, I don't think it IS being tracked. The Jira issue was closed already. However I see the problem very clearly in Firefox 3 and 3.2.2-20080727.

        At this point I'm not sure anybody really knows what is causing it.

        • 16. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

          yes, me too. it's appear in my dev env, event I hv update to 3.2.2 snapshot 20080727

          my dev env is:
          JDK 1.5
          eclipse 3.3.2
          jsf 1.2
          facelets 1.1.4

          • 17. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

            Good afternoon, dear RF gurus and RF users!

            I've faced the same problem, BUT I did some work to give to developers a lot of information about it. Please, check newly created JIRA, linked to RF-3796.

            Here it is: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-4164

            Hope, it helps.

            Thank you in advance!

            • 18. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

              Good afternoon,

              Thank you very much for your effort as I am sure that it will benefit the community at large.

              I am truly hoping that the RichFaces team can spend some time on addressing these issues with such an integral component of the RichFaces framework.


              • 19. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears


                we have tested

                * rich:columns within rich:scrollableDataTable
                * for Firefox 3.0.1 and
                * 3.2.2 RC 4

                and still see an endless loop of requests to
                the server when the table is scrolled.

                For 3.2.2 RC4 and Safari 3.1.2 (525.21) the table still does not scroll
                properly, just small numbers of lines can updated "on one scrolling".

                See the observation B) in the post from Jul 22, 2008 10:49
                within this thread.

                The following issue has been created for this bug.


                It would be great if a fix for this could make it into
                3.2.2 GA.

                The rich:scrollableDataTable is an industry leading component
                and our team would really appreciate it when it works correctly
                under the main browsers!



                • 20. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

                  Any good news about this bug?

                  I've noticed that the scrollableDataTable is reRendered well if it's reRendered only BY ITSELF.
                  But If it's in an a4j:outputPanel and in h:form, and we reRender whole outputPanel - then the header disappears and I can't make any selection in the table.

                  My another concrete example(hope it helps to understand the reason):

                  The table header disappears after I press this menu Item:

                  <rich:contextMenu attached="false" id="personnelDataTable_Menu" disableDefaultMenu="false" submitMode="ajax"> <rich:menuItem value="#{muiBundle.menuDelete}" action="#{menuMan.deleteFakePersonnel}" reRender="personnelDataTableForm_OutputPanel"/>

                  What does it do: method deleteFakePersonnel just deletes one record from database and returns null.
                  Then a4j:outputPanel is reRendered with the scrollableDataTable, and headers are gone.

                  You know, it seems that the second phase of table rendering process is gone, because when the page normally loads, scrollable data table was always rendered like A: Show the table; B: Show headers; Now after I reRender outputPanel - works only A.

                  Is it hard to solve the problem? I can give you any debug information I have for it. Thank you very much in advance!

                  • 21. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

                    If you need it, my SDT is here:

                    <a4j:outputPanel id="personnelDataTableForm_OutputPanel">
                     <h:form id="personnelDataTable_Form">
                     <rich:scrollableDataTable id="personnelDataTable" rowKeyVar="rkv" binding="#{personnelSDTableMan.sdTable}" rows="0"
                     selection="#{personnelSDTableMan.scrollableDataTableSelection}" onRowMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor='#B5CEFD'"
                     onRowMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='#{org.richfaces.SKIN.tableBackgroundColor}'" rowClasses="sdt_row1,sdt_row2"
                     selectedClass="sdt_row_selected" activeClass="sdt_row_active" width="100%" height="400px" columnClasses="sdt_col" frozenColCount="1"
                     value="#{amBean.employeeListMan.personnelEmployees}" var="employee" sortMode="single" style="margin:0px;padding-top:10px;">

                    • 22. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears


                      There's some good news:

                      1. The exception

                      18.07.2008 15:08:48 com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler handleRenderException
                      SCHWERWIEGEND: Error Rendering View[/dataTable/dataTable.xhtml]
                      java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: srcBegin > srcEnd
                       at java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.getChars(Unknown Source)
                       at java.lang.StringBuilder.getChars(Unknown Source)
                       at com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter.flushAttributes(HtmlResponseWriter.java:98
                       at com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlResponseWriter.endElement(HtmlResponseWriter.java:489)
                       at org.ajax4jsf.renderkit.AjaxRendererUtils.encodeAreas(AjaxRendererUtils.java:716)

                      of the posting in this thread at
                      Tue Jul 22, 2008, 10:49 AM
                      cannot be reproduced with mojarra-1.2_09.

                      2. The special character bug reported in this thread on
                      Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:08
                      has been fixed in mojarra-1.2_09.



                      • 23. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

                        Well... I've waited too long and wanted to simply change scrollable data table to extended data table, but no way, there is THE SAME BUG and the table just disappears after re-rendering!

                        I thought that the bug is something ajax-fundamental, that's why I've created a standalone TEST PROJECT which fully demonstrates this bug. I've spent some time on it and I really believe that it helps you to fix the bug, because now it really slows the development process.

                        I've attached the project to JIRA (https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-4164)

                        P.S.: A big request: please, test it and tell here if you could reproduce this bug after running my application and if there is any ways to fix it.

                        Thank you VERY VERY MUCH!

                        • 24. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

                          Hello Yuri,

                          you posted the version that you have used in the bugreport

                          v.3.2.2-SNAPSHOT SVN $Revision: 8947 $ $Date: 2008-06-07 08:39:49 -0400 (Sat, 07 Jun 2008) $

                          This is a rather old one. Did you try it with a 3.3.0 snapshot?



                          • 25. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

                            No, Andreas. I thought that the bug still can't be reproduced, even in 3.2.2, that's why I made a test project for it.

                            But I'll just try it with 3.3.0 snapshot. I'll write here about the results(in 30 minutes).

                            • 26. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

                              Just tried. The same behavior in 3.3.0 snapshot (3.3.0-20081001.055735-23).

                              • 27. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

                                Is this problem solved or is there any workaround? I think this is a major feature of Richfaces. Please let me know as we are also facing the same issue with AJAX rendering. If needed I can provide the code also. My environment RF 3.2.2, JSF RI 1.2, Facelets 1.4, Spring web flow 2,, IBM RAD 7, WAS 6.1.

                                • 28. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

                                  soubhratra, JIRA issue was switched to blocker a week ago and I've already seen little progress on it. I think people from RichFaces are currently working on it. We just need to wait patiently.

                                  • 29. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

                                    Thanks for your prompt response. I guess even though RF team started working on the issue, the fix will be part of the next release only i.e. 3.3.0. I am afraid as I can not wait for that. If there is a workaround that I can use immediately then its good for me else I have to move away from using SDT and have to go for a manual html table with selectable row implementation.

                                    Thanks again for your reply.