1 2 3 Previous Next 32 Replies Latest reply on Oct 15, 2008 6:07 AM by andreas_back Go to original post
      • 30. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears


        as it has been mentioned in my posting in this thread at Tue Jun 24, 2008,
        it is one option to use a h:commandButton or a h:commandLink
        instead of a4j:commandLink.

        If you decide to accept a page reload and use a h:commandLink
        then the parameter

         <param-name>com.sun.faces.enableJSStyleHiding </param-name>

        for the RI might be useful in the web.xml file to get correct HTML.

        You may even to consider to use


        to influence the comments of the JavaScript, see http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=JavaServerFacesRI.

        On the other side if you look at https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-4164 you see that the bug has been assigned to Konstantin Mishin.

        But https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF tells us that Konstantin
        has 57 open bugs assigned to him, most of them dealing with the scrollableDataTable.

        So the question arises: How can be we contribute to the development of a robust scrollableDataTable?



        • 31. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

          If you have any patches created feel free to submit them to jira. we'll revise them and apply if ok.

          • 32. Re: rich:scrollableDataTable columnheader disappears

            Hello Ilya,

            the good news is:

            After we reevaluated open source alternatives (Tomahawk, Tobago, Trinidad, ICEFaces, Woodstock) and comparing




            we stay with RichFaces in our current project.

            On the other side there is a decision not to use the ScrollableDataTable
            in the present state our current project. At the moment we switched to use the DataScroller for a DataTable.

            There are two reasons for this decision:

            1. The observed progress with the known bugs in the ScrollableDataTable and especially of the bug


            2. Even if the component was robust we see problems with speed of the
            rendering of the cells that are shown on the table. If the factor

            visible rows * columns
            of the table is larger than let's say 400 hundered the table tends to be far too slow.

            In contrast the rich:dataTable together with the rich:datascroller shows new pages in less than 3 seconds even if there are 1500 cells.

            A reason for this may be the large amount of HTML-Code that is generated for each cell of the ScrollableDataTable.

            The ScrollableDataTable may need options to influence this code generation of the cells to speed up the rendering of the component (and/or a better documentation of such options).

            We hope that the ScrollableDataTable soon develops into a
            robust und fast component since it is really eye catching to scroll
            in 160000 rows in browser.



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