1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 7, 2006 5:15 AM by koen.aers

    Deploy jBPM to different server


      We have a development server running on a box other than where I am running the IDE. It has JBoss AS and jBPM 3.0.2. I have created a simple project to deploy to that server. I have read every post and web page I can find on deploying and cannot find one that says how to do this. What is the very first step, Export? to what?


        • 1. Re: Deploy jBPM to different server


          There is a way to do this with the 3.0.8 release of the GPD. A deploy wizard allows to choose the url of where to deploy to. If this is not sufficient, you can use the deploypar ant task, but you'll probably have to open up the 1701 port of the hsqldb instance in your JBoss instance in that case.
          Anyway, this information should improve shortly as I am working on a document describing deployment in detail.
