7 Replies Latest reply on Mar 3, 2006 1:33 AM by purvi.shah

    Comparision matrix for jBPM



      I need Matrix(Comparison of jBPM with other WF engine-Marketing & technical Perspective) for jBPM, If it is available.

      I need some more documentation on jBPM (Basic material) which can give me idea how to start with jBPM.

      I have referred jBPM User Guide and other stuff.
      But I found it is not more comprehensive.


        • 1. Re: Comparision matrix for jBPM

          To get started download the starter kit. run ant. Then run the Junit test for Websale.

          1. create an ant task for websale.

          <!-- the dependency on compile.identity is necessary to make the identity mapping files available -->

          2. You need to comment out this line in WebSale
          // assertEquals(0, taskInstance.getVariables().size());

          3. set test.classpath like this:

          • 2. Re: Comparision matrix for jBPM

            To get started download the starter kit. run ant. Then run the Junit test for Websale.

            1. create an ant task for websale.

            <!-- the dependency on compile.identity is necessary to make the identity mapping files available -->

            2. You need to comment out this line in WebSale
            // assertEquals(0, taskInstance.getVariables().size());

            3. set test.classpath like this:

            • 3. Re: Comparision matrix for jBPM

              Try this one more time

              1. comment out a line in WebSale.java
              // assertEquals(0, taskInstance.getVariables().size());
              set property in build.xml
               <path id="test.classpath">
               <path refid="classpath"/>
               <pathelement path="src/resources" />
               <pathelement path="build/classes.identity.test" />
               <pathelement path="build/classes.jbpm.test" />
               <pathelement path="build/classes.examples" />
              3. add junit test
               <target name="websale">
               <!-- the dependency on compile.identity is necessary to make the identity mapping files available -->
               <junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes">
               <test name="org.jbpm.websale.WebsaleTest" haltonfailure="no" outfile="result">
               <formatter type="plain"/>
               <classpath refid="test.classpath" />

              • 4. Re: Comparision matrix for jBPM

                for comparision you must look for the criteria of WARIA of comparing open source workflow engine ...

                • 5. Re: Comparision matrix for jBPM

                  You can find some comments from the readers of The Server Side in thread JBoss jBPM 3.1: Multiple process languages and simple principles.

                  As for starting with jBPM, please be more specific on what is troublesome for you.

                  • 6. Re: Comparision matrix for jBPM

                    Thanks to both of u,

                    I am new to jBPM,I am Exploring jBPM features.

                    My first requirement is Comparision matrix available for JBPm(if any)

                    As I am preparing Marketting Demo for client.

                    I could not find any link for criteria for WARIA.
                    Can u please forward link to me.

                    I check that serverside link for jBPM-Multi languaage thread...
                    I could not find any comparision sheet.

                    As far as Start to jBPM concern..

                    I have installed jBPM 3.0.2 startup kit.

                    I have Run server(jBPM server) through startup.bat.

                    I open webconsole and Websale application running fine.

                    But when I created process(First test) and i created junit test class also for same.
                    I able to run process through Junit,I got message in console(Process started ansd ended like that)

                    But I am not able to check process in Webconsole,So is it anything Reqd to do to display inwebconsole.--For this problem (posted in forum) u can check link given in next reply.

                    In webconsole I am able to see my process with version equals -1, but Not able to start process instance through Webconsole..

                    So i was in condition , i do not have idea what should do and I am in the right way or not. So i thought if some basic material I can get,I can understand jBPm perfectly.I want to prepare Road MAp for exploring this techology(implementation and effective use of jBPM),So I can learn this technology fast,and will be focus , not feel lost some where.

                    I also want to know what other features are available in jBPM.

                    That way i concerned some basic material(Road Map+Getting Started manual).I have checked jBPm material avaialble at jBPm site.

                    Thank you for help...


                    • 7. Re: Comparision matrix for jBPM