0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 22, 2006 7:49 AM by tibocu

    Using hibernate annotation with jBPM



      I just spend a few houres to figure how to use Hibernate Annotaiton with jBPM.

      Here is the "receipt" (can probably be improved):

      1-- Create an implementation of the db persistence service:

      package com.btc.fwk.jbpm;

      [Cut imports]

      public class PersistenceService extends DbPersistenceServiceFactory {
      private static final Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(PersistenceService.class);

      private Configuration _configuration;

      public PersistenceService() {
      _log.info("Creating Persistence Service");

      public synchronized Configuration getConfiguration() {
      _log.info("Creating AnnotationConfiguration");

      if (_configuration == null) {
      String hibernateCfgXmlResource = null;
      if (JbpmConfiguration.Configs
      .hasObject("resource.hibernate.cfg.xml")) {
      hibernateCfgXmlResource = JbpmConfiguration.Configs
      String hibernatePropertiesResource = null;
      if (JbpmConfiguration.Configs.hasObject("resource.hibernate.properties")) {
      hibernatePropertiesResource = JbpmConfiguration.Configs.getString("resource.hibernate.properties");

      _configuration = new AnnotationConfiguration();
      _log.info("XML configuration file = " + hibernateCfgXmlResource);
      _log.info("Resource file = " + hibernatePropertiesResource);


      if( hibernatePropertiesResource != null ) {
      _log.debug("Setting Persistence hibernate properties from " + hibernatePropertiesResource);

      Properties properties = new Properties();

      InputStream is = null;
      try {
      is = PersistenceService.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(hibernatePropertiesResource);

      } catch(Exception e) {
      _log.debug("Hibernate properties " + hibernatePropertiesResource + " not found");
      } finally {
      if( is != null )
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {


      return _configuration;

      2-- Declare the service
      In jbpm.cfg.xml:



      3-- Declare the annotated classes

      Declare the annotated classes into the hibernate.cfg.xml file.

      Hope this help

      Thibault Cuvillier