1 2 Previous Next 20 Replies Latest reply on Apr 18, 2006 9:15 AM by kukeltje Go to original post
      • 15. Re: EJB examples with jBPM?


        There are no EJB examples for jBPM with JBoss (or any other appserver for that matter) There are enough examples/testcases for jBPM with JBoss/Tomcat/.... so that is not the issue.

        Give it a try and you will see how easy it is.

        • 16. Re: EJB examples with jBPM?

          When it's about J2EE there is a lot of issues. For example - having cuncurrent processing in clustered environment and executing something like jbpmContext.save(processInstance); - is entire call stack works fine ? I mean transactions, locking and so on.

          • 17. Re: EJB examples with jBPM?

            Concurrent access to a processinstance is an issue by itself, independant of clustering (or j2ee). The same is true for transactions etc.

            I do agree however that using it in a j2ee environment doesn't make it simpeler, but it doesn't neccesarilly make it (a lot) more complex either.

            Search these forums. There have been previous discussions on this subject.

            • 18. Re: EJB examples with jBPM?

              OK, I reviewed forum topics and documentation.
              What I found is :
              process data is stored using hibernate, to use ejb transactions I need to set DbPersistenceServiceFactory properties "isTransactionEnabled" to false and "sessionFactoryJndiName" to correct one. While jbpm objects are not thread safe I must use them in a single thread (one object per thread). I use jboss-4.0.3SP1 with ejb3.0.
              The questions I still have are :
              does hibernate locks properly process instances on single server and uses hibernate cluster-wide cache to prevent concurrent modification of same process instance ? Or what settings I should modify to get it works ?

              • 19. Re: EJB examples with jBPM?

                hi all,
                here iam looking to create a client using simple jsps for the JBPM , i have no clue about the approach and is there any session bean (like Business process for the IBM WS-BPEL) to create the client for the JBPM.
                please respond to me in the earliest.

                • 20. Re: EJB examples with jBPM?

                  YES, any help would be welcome

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