0 Replies Latest reply on May 29, 2006 11:07 AM by skyman37

    [newbie] Integrate a process to UI


      Hi all,

      I would like to integrate a process at an existing User Interface (with SWT).

      One process is defined by many operations on one client (to keep informations of the client during all the procedure in a context). Two users occupy of one client. The first has one task, et the second has 5 tasks (each task correspond to fulfill one form). But i don't knwo how can i integrate the process to the UI.

      1/ I don't change the user interface, but when the user begin a task in the UI, the UI send a variable to say at a task node of the process that the task is beginning. And when the form is fulffilled in, the ui send data to the task node to save data in the process context and to end the task node (to go to other node). But is it possible to do that ?
      Someone has an simple example of this ?

      NB : sorry for my poor english.
      NB2: I read many topics on this forums, and also the user guide, but i don't understand how can i do that, you're my last chance.