0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 6, 2006 7:40 PM by maksymg

    Scheduler bug


      When timer's action tries to end the token it linked to, the scheduler is crashed with Hibernate ObjectNotFound exception due to the token ending removes all timers.

      I rewrite SchedulerSession to avoid it(not perfect but workable):

       public void saveTimer(Timer timer) {
       try {
       // if (session.get(timer.getClass(), timer.getId()) != null)
       } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) {
       log.debug("timer can't be saved; ignore it");
       } catch (Exception e) {
       // jbpmSession.handleException();
       throw new JbpmException("couldn't save timer '" + timer
       + "' to the database", e);
       public Iterator findTimersByDueDate() {
       List buffer = new ArrayList();
       CollectionUtils.addAll(buffer, super.findTimersByDueDate());
       return buffer.iterator();

      Should I post it as bug in JIRA?
