0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 28, 2006 4:33 PM by brado

    Problem looking up JbpmConfiguration from JNDI


      jBPM 3.1.2:

      I have a sar that uses JbpmService to bind a new JbpmConfiguration instance to JNDI. I have another webapp which tries to look the JbpmConfiguration up from JNDI, but I receive the following Exception:

      java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to complete JNDI lookup on: java:jbpm/JbpmConfiguration.

      I have confirmed that the object is being bound to JNDI in JbpmService, and that the JNDI name being looked up is the same as the one being bound. Has anyone encountered this problem? I have tried both sets of code:

      InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
      JbpmConfiguration jc = (JbpmConfiguration) ctx.lookup(jndiConfigName);


      JndiUtil.lookup(jndiConfigName, JbpmConfiguration.class);

      but both result in the same error. Help! I think I am losing my mind...

