1 2 Previous Next 25 Replies Latest reply on Feb 7, 2007 9:31 AM by fuligj Go to original post
      • 15. Re: change database

        The documentation can...

        • 16. Re: change database

          But for example in jbpm-jpdl-3.2.Beta1 there is no jbpm.sar in deploy directory, refered by the documentation section 8.1.5.

          • 17. Re: change database

            I have tried to change th db in jbpm-jpdl-3.2.Beta1.

            10:05:30,047 DEBUG [JobExecutorThread] acquiring jobs for execution...
            10:05:31,062 DEBUG [JbpmContextInfo] creating jbpm context with service factorie
            s '[tx, message, scheduler, logging, persistence, authentication]'
            10:05:31,062 DEBUG [JbpmContext] creating org.jbpm.JbpmContext@193b604
            10:05:31,062 DEBUG [DbPersistenceServiceFactory] creating persistence service
            10:05:31,062 DEBUG [DbPersistenceService] creating hibernate session
            10:05:31,078 DEBUG [DbPersistenceService] beginning hibernate transaction
            10:05:31,078 DEBUG [JobExecutorThread] querying for acquirable job...
            10:05:31,078 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: 1064, SQLState: 42000
            10:05:31,078 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] You have an error in your SQL syntax;
             check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right sy
            ntax to use near '1 job0_.ID_ as ID1_26_, job0_.VERSION_ as VERSION3_26_, job0_.
            DUEDATE_ as DUEDAT' at line 1
            10:05:31,078 ERROR [JobSession] org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: cou
            ld not execute query
            10:05:31,078 DEBUG [JbpmContext] closing JbpmContext
            10:05:31,078 DEBUG [Services] closing service 'persistence': org.jbpm.persistenc
            10:05:31,078 DEBUG [DbPersistenceService] committing hibernate transaction
            10:05:31,078 DEBUG [DbPersistenceService] closing hibernate session
            10:05:31,078 DEBUG [Services] closing service 'tx': org.jbpm.tx.TxService@1ea2de
            10:05:31,078 ERROR [JobExecutorThread] exception in job executor thread. waiting
             80000 milliseconds
            org.jbpm.JbpmException: couldn't get acquirable jobs
             at org.jbpm.db.JobSession.getFirstAcquirableJob(JobSession.java:44)
             at org.jbpm.job.executor.JobExecutorThread.acquireJobs(JobExecutorThread
             at org.jbpm.job.executor.JobExecutorThread.run(JobExecutorThread.java:56
            Caused by: org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query
             at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.convert(SQLStateConverter.j
             at org.hibernate.exception.JDBCExceptionHelper.convert(JDBCExceptionHelp
             at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList(Loader.java:2148)
             at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.listIgnoreQueryCache(Loader.java:2029)
             at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.list(Loader.java:2024)
             at org.hibernate.loader.hql.QueryLoader.list(QueryLoader.java:392)
             at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.list(QueryTranslatorImpl.ja
             at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.performList(HQLQueryPlan.java
             at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.list(SessionImpl.java:1114)
             at org.hibernate.impl.QueryImpl.list(QueryImpl.java:79)
             at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractQueryImpl.uniqueResult(AbstractQueryImpl.j
             at org.jbpm.db.JobSession.getFirstAcquirableJob(JobSession.java:40)
             ... 2 more
            Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an erro
            r in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server ver
            sion for the right syntax to use near '1 job0_.ID_ as ID1_26_, job0_.VERSION_ as
             VERSION3_26_, job0_.DUEDATE_ as DUEDAT' at line 1
             at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:936)
             at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:2870)
             at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(MysqlIO.java:1573)
             at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(MysqlIO.java:1665)
             at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL(Connection.java:3176)
             at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeInternal(PreparedStatement.ja
             at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeQuery(PreparedStatement.java:
             at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrappedPreparedStatement.executeQuery
             at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.getResultSet(AbstractBatcher.java:
             at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.getResultSet(Loader.java:1669)
             at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQuery(Loader.java:662)
             at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQueryAndInitializeNonLazyCollections(Lo
             at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList(Loader.java:2145)
             ... 11 more

            Can anyone help me?

            • 18. Re: change database

              Search this forum for 'MySQL' and read the first thread you find, from 2 days ago. Use search before you post a problem.

              The search button is one of the little blue buttons across the top of the screen. (I'm not being insulting - it's just not very obvious!)

              -Ed Staub

              • 19. Re: change database

                Thanks for reply Ed Staub!

                I have used the search button many times and I will too. I have succeeded the problem, in jBPM 3.1. there was no jbpm_job table in DB, but in 3.2 there is. Now zero error message appears in console, but I can't log in with any username in the webapp at http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console/.
                The topic that you suggested deal with older jBPM.
                I have used my jBPM 3.1.3 without rebuke.
                Forasmuch no error message, i don't know what should i do to resolve my problem.

                best regards!

                • 20. Re: change database

                  I think jbpm-jpdl-3.2.Beta1's documentation is not correct, because for example there is no jbpm.sar in deploy directory, refered by the documentation section 8.1.5.
                  So has anybody a working solution to change the db in jbpm-jpdl-3.2.Beta1?

                  best regards!

                  • 21. Re: change database

                    As you probably know, there is a .sar file in the 3.1.2 deploy directory.

                    In 3.1.2, you have to run antfile build.deploy.xml after running build.xml to build the deployment.

                    (I haven't tried 3.2 - I just thought these might point you at something you might have forgotten.)

                    -Ed Staub

                    • 22. Re: change database

                      Two issues here
                      1. changing db for 3.2.beta1. Assuming you want to change the jbpm-enterprise.ear you can expand the ear and change hibernate.cfg.cml. Here is a ant build script I created to expand the ear, edit the config files then recreate the ear.
                      So "ant expand", edit expand/lib/jbpm-configs-jar/hibernate.cfg.xml, "ant build","ant deploy"

                      <project name="hpfm-jbpm">
                       <property name="basedir" value="."/>
                       <property name="built.dir" value="${basedir}/built"/>
                       <property name="expand.dir" value="${basedir}/expand"/>
                       <property name="jboss.deploy.dir" value="/usr/local/jboss/server/messaging/deploy"/>
                       <target name="clean">
                       <delete dir="${built.dir}" />
                       <target name="prepare">
                       <mkdir dir="${built.dir}" />
                       <mkdir dir="${expand.dir}" />
                       <target name="expand" description="expand ear into the expand dir" depends="prepare">
                       <!-- UNZIP THE EAR FILE -->
                       <unzip src="${basedir}/jbpm-enterprise.ear" dest="${expand.dir}" />
                       <mkdir dir="${expand.dir}/jbpm-console-war" />
                       <unzip src="${expand.dir}/jbpm-console.war" dest="${expand.dir}/jbpm-console-war" />
                       <mkdir dir="${expand.dir}/jbpm-enterprise-jar" />
                       <unzip src="${expand.dir}/jbpm-enterprise.jar" dest="${expand.dir}/jbpm-enterprise-jar" />
                       <mkdir dir="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-configs-jar" />
                       <unzip src="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-configs.jar" dest="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-configs-jar" />
                       <mkdir dir="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-identity-jar" />
                       <unzip src="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-identity.jar" dest="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-identity-jar" />
                       <mkdir dir="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-jpdl-jar" />
                       <unzip src="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-jpdl.jar" dest="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-jpdl-jar" />
                       <target name="contract" description="remake all the parts to the parts directory" depends="prepare">
                       <!-- ZIP CONTENTS OF THE EXPAND/LIB DIRECTORY-->
                       <zip destfile="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-jpdl.jar">
                       <fileset dir="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-jpdl-jar" />
                       <zip destfile="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-identity.jar">
                       <fileset dir="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-identity-jar" />
                       <zip destfile="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-configs.jar">
                       <fileset dir="${expand.dir}/lib/jbpm-configs-jar" />
                       <!-- ZIP CONTENTS OF THE EXPAND DIRECTORY-->
                       <zip destfile="${expand.dir}/jbpm-enterprise.jar">
                       <fileset dir="${expand.dir}/jbpm-enterprise-jar" />
                       <zip destfile="${expand.dir}/jbpm-console.war">
                       <fileset dir="${expand.dir}/jbpm-console-war" />
                       <target name="build" depends="prepare, make-parts">
                       <ear destfile="${built.dir}/jbpm-enterprise.ear" appxml="${parts.dir}/META-INF/application.xml">
                       <fileset dir="${parts.dir}">
                       <exclude name="META-INF/application.xml" />
                       <target name="build" depends="prepare, contract">
                       <ear destfile="${built.dir}/jbpm-enterprise.ear" appxml="${expand.dir}/META-INF/application.xml">
                       <fileset dir="${expand.dir}" includes="*.war,*.jar,lib/*.jar" >
                       <exclude name="META-INF/application.xml" />
                       <exclude name="jbpm-enterprise-jar" />
                       <exclude name="jbpm-console-war" />
                       <exclude name="lib/jbpm-identity-jar" />
                       <exclude name="lib/jbpm-configs-jar" />
                       <exclude name="lib/jbpm-jpdl-jar" />
                       <target name="deploy" depends="build">
                       <copy file="${built.dir}/jbpm-enterprise.ear" todir="${jboss.deploy.dir}"/>

                      2. Create and populate the identity tables
                      create table JBPM_ID_GROUP (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1), CLASS_ char(
                      1) not null, NAME_ varchar(255), TYPE_ varchar(255), PARENT_ bigint, primary key (ID_));
                      create table JBPM_ID_MEMBERSHIP (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1), CLASS_
                      char(1) not null, NAME_ varchar(255), ROLE_ varchar(255), USER_ bigint, GROUP_ bigint, primary key (
                      create table JBPM_ID_PERMISSIONS (ENTITY_ bigint not null, CLASS_ varchar(255), NAME_ varchar(255),
                      ACTION_ varchar(255));
                      create table JBPM_ID_USER (ID_ bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1), CLASS_ char(1
                      ) not null, NAME_ varchar(255), EMAIL_ varchar(255), PASSWORD_ varchar(255), primary key (ID_));
                      alter table JBPM_ID_GROUP add constraint FK_ID_GRP_PARENT foreign key (PARENT_) references JBPM_ID_G
                      alter table JBPM_ID_MEMBERSHIP add constraint FK_ID_MEMSHIP_GRP foreign key (GROUP_) references JBPM
                      alter table JBPM_ID_MEMBERSHIP add constraint FK_ID_MEMSHIP_USR foreign key (USER_) references JBPM_
                      INSERT INTO JBPM_ID_GROUP VALUES(1,'G','participant','security-role',NULL)
                      INSERT INTO JBPM_ID_GROUP VALUES(2,'G','administrator','security-role',NULL)
                      INSERT INTO JBPM_ID_GROUP VALUES(3,'G','hr','organisation',NULL)
                      INSERT INTO JBPM_ID_GROUP VALUES(4,'G','sales','organisation',NULL)
                      INSERT INTO JBPM_ID_GROUP VALUES(5,'G','manager','security-role',NULL)
                      INSERT INTO JBPM_ID_MEMBERSHIP VALUES(6,'M',NULL,'boss',2,4)
                      INSERT INTO JBPM_ID_USER VALUES(1,'U','cookie monster','cookie.monster@sesamestreet.tv','cookie mons
                      INSERT INTO JBPM_ID_USER VALUES(2,'U','ernie','ernie@sesamestreet.tv','ernie')
                      INSERT INTO JBPM_ID_USER VALUES(3,'U','bert','bert@sesamestreet.tv','bert')
                      INSERT INTO JBPM_ID_USER VALUES(4,'U','grover','grover@sesamestreet.tv','grover')
                      insert into JBPM_ID_USER (ID_, CLASS_, NAME_, EMAIL_, PASSWORD_)
                       values ('1', 'U', 'cookie monster', 'cookie.monster@sesamestreet.tv', 'cookie monster');
                      insert into JBPM_ID_USER (ID_,CLASS_, NAME_, EMAIL_, PASSWORD_)
                       values ('2', 'U', 'ernie', 'ernie@sesamestreet.tv', 'ernie');
                      insert into JBPM_ID_USER (ID_,CLASS_, NAME_, EMAIL_, PASSWORD_)
                       values ('3', 'U', 'bert', 'bert@sesamestreet.tv', 'bert');
                      insert into JBPM_ID_USER (ID_,CLASS_, NAME_, EMAIL_, PASSWORD_)
                       values ('4', 'U', 'grover', 'grover@sesamestreet.tv', 'grover');

                      • 23. Re: change database

                        Thanks for reply!
                        I have made all as you said and deployed the recreated ear file in server's deploy directory. But when I try to log in I receive an error message:

                        /search/form/formtemplate.xhtml @14,73 session="#{jbpmBean.jbpmContext.session}": org.hibernate.HibernateException: Unable to locate current JTA transaction

                        • 24. Re: change database

                          Yes, here is where it gets tricky. I also am having that problem and am trying to get a response on how to configure either CMT ot JTA for the ear.
                          I will add the reference posting here when If I ever get a response.
                          One thing you can do now to continue your journey however is

                          edit expand/lib/jbpm-configs-jar/jbpm.cfg.xml
                          Make sure the following two are set to false.

                           <field name="isCurrentSessionEnabled"><false /></field>
                           <field name="isTransactionEnabled"><false /></field>

                          • 25. Re: change database

                            I tried to copy the jbpm-enterprise.ear to the deploy directory in an original 3.2.beta1 and the error message was the same, so i think something is wrong with it. I think that is not enough, change only the hibernate.cfg.xml, i think we should change the data source and much more.
                            It is most desirable, when we have a list, what should we to do, to change the database in jbpm-jpdl-3.2.Beta1.

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