1 Reply Latest reply on May 14, 2007 3:59 PM by bentins

    JbpmTaskInstance not released from memory


      I have an enterprise application running with Jbpm 3.1.1. I have recently done some profiling work on it and encountered something I can't explain.

      Every TaskInsatnce which I get by calling getTaskList on the taskMgmntSession is never released from memory. So I'm wondering who is holding these references and why? If it is some kind of cache why don't I get the same instances when I call the same list?

      Any how I'd appreciate any ideas on this issue and how to expore it. Since in our enterprise system where people get hundreds of tasks a day and we have over a 100 users the memory will klog up rather quickly.

        • 1. Re: JbpmTaskInstance not released from memory

          Found my problem. Somehwere along the line I didn't release the context, everytime I got the new Tasks I created a new context. The former context was still holding references to the old list and this is why id didn't get cleared by the GC.