1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 8, 2007 12:07 PM by kukeltje

    Problem with timer !


      I try to use timer function...

      Here, there is my task definition :

      <task name="Verification par le responsable" notify='yes'>
       <timer duedate='5 seconds'>
       <action class='fr.....timeoutHandler' />
       <variable name="date_debut" access="read"></variable>
       <variable name="date_fin" access="read"></variable>
       <assignment class="fr.....ResponsableAssignmentHandler">

      But, when I deploy this definition process, all my process is ok, but timer don't work...

      When I go to my oracle database, I see that in task definition, there is duedate to null !!

      (I use jpdl suite and jbpm-console whith jboss AS to deply the process on oracle !)


        • 1. Re: Problem with timer !

          the duedate on a task is something different than just a timer with a dueate on a task. So what you obvserve is correct behaviour. Nothing wrong

          Look at the schema...