2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 17, 2007 5:09 AM by mmoudry

    jBPM Configuration Integration


      I am trying to build an intranet and am evaluating jBPM as our process engine for first simple workflows. I have several questions on whether jBPM is the right engine for me for the following environment :

      I have a User table with around 30000 users and each user has a boss (supervisor_id), the passwords are stored in an Active Directory acessible by LDAP. I am trying to get jBPM to use this table for identification and query the LDAP AD for the authorization, however I can't find any documentation on how to do so. In case it is not possible I could potentially fill up the JBPM tables with the user data each time my main user table is modified.

      Another question is how to link swimlanes and supervisors. For an absence request for example it is the user's supervisor that has to approve the absence. I have no idea how to integrate this into the process.

      Can anybody point me to the right direction as to how to manage this?

      Thanks alot,
