1 2 Previous Next 24 Replies Latest reply on Jun 2, 2009 4:47 AM by frinux Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Ending tasks manually

        tr is not null, and contains the right transition. That's whay that's strange, like the end(tr) was not working...

        tr Transition (id=140)
         condition null
         description null
         events PersistentMap (id=147)
         exceptionHandlers PersistentList (id=150)
         from TaskNode_$$_javassist_219 (id=155)
         id 4
         isConditionEnforced true
         name "refusee" (id=161)
         processDefinition ProcessDefinition_$$_javassist_185 (id=162)
         to Node_$$_javassist_254 (id=164)

        And like kukeltje said, what is the aim of:
        taskInstance =jbpmContext.getTaskInstance(taskInstance.getID());

        • 16. Re: Ending tasks manually

          I tried your code though, but not working.

          Here is my code to check if I'm on the right node :

          Token currentToken = processInstance.getRootToken();
           Node currentNode = currentToken.getNode();

          • 17. Re: Ending tasks manually

            can you try


            and see if it makes a difference?

            Secondly, make a *full* unittest with *everything* embedded (the processdefinition as a string) so I can test it?

            • 18. Re: Ending tasks manually

              can you try


              and see if it makes a difference? (I doubt it but nevertheless)

              And set the debug level for the TaskInstance class.

              If that does not result in anything, make a *full* unittest with *everything* embedded (the processdefinition as a string) so I can test it?

              • 19. Re: Ending tasks manually

                It doesn't make any difference (I already tried before).

                When debugging, I get the followinf messages (allthough not debug but WARN messages...°:

                WARN ProxyWarnLog:638 - Narrowing proxy to class org.jbpm.graph.node.TaskNode - this operation breaks ==
                WARN ProxyWarnLog:638 - Narrowing proxy to class org.jbpm.graph.node.TaskNode - this operation breaks ==

                I have no idea what it means...

                • 20. Re: Ending tasks manually

                  All I see in the debug is that jBPM is taking the wrong transition. No error.

                  Here is the interesting part of the log :

                  GraphElement:180 - event 'node-leave" on 'TaskNode(valider_demande)' for 'Token(/)'
                  GraphElement:180 - event 'transition' on 'Transition(validee) for 'Token(/)'
                  GraphElement:180 - event 'node-enter' on 'MailNode(notifier_acceptation) for 'Token(/)'

                  And here is my process definition:

                  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                  <process-definition xmlns="urn:jbpm.org:jpdl-3.2" name="demande">
                   <start-state name="saisir_demande">
                   <transition to="notifier_valideur" name="to notifier_valideur"></transition>
                   <mail-node name="notifier_valideur" to="#{demande.valideur.email}" template="task-assign">
                   <exception-handler exception-class="java.lang.Exception">
                   <action name="InvalidEmailAddressExceptionHandler" class="logica.actions.InvalidEmailAddressExceptionHandler"></action>
                   <transition to="valider_demande" name="to valider_demande"></transition>
                   <task-node name="valider_demande">
                   Le valideur doit valider ouy refuser manuellement la demande émise
                   <task name="valider_demande">
                   Le valideur doit valider ou refuser la demande de congé effectuée par le collaborateur
                   <assignment class="logica.actions.ValideurAssignmentHandler"></assignment>
                   <controller class="logica.actions.EndTaskControllerHandler"></controller>
                   <transition to="notifier_acceptation" name="validee"></transition>
                   <transition to="notifier_refus" name="refusee"></transition>
                   <mail-node name="notifier_acceptation" to="#{demande.demandeur.email}">
                   <transition to="notifier_demande_validee" name="to notifier_demande_validee"></transition>
                   <decision name="informer_chef_projet">
                   <handler class="logica.actions.CheckChefProjetDecisionHandler"></handler>
                   <transition to="notifier_chef_projet" name="oui"></transition>
                   <transition to="cloturer" name="non"></transition>
                   <mail-node name="notifier_chef_projet" to="#{demande.chefProjet.email}" async="true">
                   <transition to="cloturer" name="chefprojet notifie"></transition>
                   <task-node name="cloturer">
                   <task name="cloturer">
                   La demande est considérée comme traitée. Cette finalisation est une tâche manuelle
                   <assignment actor-id="system"></assignment>
                   <controller class="logica.actions.EndTaskControllerHandler"></controller>
                   <transition to="fin" name="to fin"></transition>
                   <task-node name="notifier_demande_refusee">
                   <task name="notifier_demande_refusee">
                   <assignment class="logica.actions.DemandeurAssignmentHandler"></assignment>
                   <transition to="fin_refus" name="to fin_refus"></transition>
                   <mail-node name="notifier_refus" to="#{demande.demandeur.email}">
                   <transition to="notifier_demande_refusee" name="to notifier_demande_refusee"></transition>
                   <task-node name="notifier_demande_validee">
                   <task name="notifier_demande_validee">
                   <assignment class="logica.actions.DemandeurAssignmentHandler"></assignment>
                   <controller class="logica.actions.EndTaskControllerHandler"></controller>
                   <transition to="informer_chef_projet" name="to informer_chef_projet"></transition>
                   <node name="relance_auto_1">
                   <transition to="notifier_valideur" name="relance_auto_1 effectuee"></transition>
                   <node name="relance_auto_2">
                   <transition to="notifier_valideur" name="relance_auto_2 effectuee"></transition>
                   <end-state name="fin"></end-state>
                   <end-state name="fin_refus"></end-state>

                  • 21. Re: Ending tasks manually

                    One strange thing I noticed: when I try to know the active node, I'm doing:
                    Token currentToken = processInstance.getRootToken();
                    Node currentNode = currentToken.getNode();

                    The strange thing is that the token is not null, but every value of its properties is null:

                    currentToken Token_$$_javassist_187 (id=160)
                     children null
                     comments null
                     end null
                     handler JavassistLazyInitializer (id=183)
                     id 0
                     isAbleToReactivateParent true
                     isSuspended false
                     isTerminationImplicit false
                     lock null
                     name null
                     nextLogIndex 0
                     node null
                     nodeEnter null
                     parent null
                     processInstance null
                     start null
                     subProcessInstance null
                     version 0

                    • 22. Re: Ending tasks manually


                      "frinux" wrote:
                      It doesn't make any difference (I already tried before).

                      When debugging, I get the followinf messages (allthough not debug but WARN messages...°:

                      WARN ProxyWarnLog:638 - Narrowing proxy to class org.jbpm.graph.node.TaskNode - this operation breaks ==
                      WARN ProxyWarnLog:638 - Narrowing proxy to class org.jbpm.graph.node.TaskNode - this operation breaks ==

                      I have no idea what it means...

                      Search the forum, internet etc.... asked lots of times before

                      • 23. Re: Ending tasks manually


                        "frinux" wrote:
                        All I see in the debug is that jBPM is taking the wrong transition. No error.

                        Here is the interesting part of the log :

                        GraphElement:180 - event 'node-leave" on 'TaskNode(valider_demande)' for 'Token(/)'
                        GraphElement:180 - event 'transition' on 'Transition(validee) for 'Token(/)'
                        GraphElement:180 - event 'node-enter' on 'MailNode(notifier_acceptation) for 'Token(/)'

                        As mentioned in my previous post, oh sorry, the one before that, please make a (minimal) unittest that demonstrates the problem. unitests are great for that, but make sure to embed *everything* in on full class without requiring external files.

                        • 24. Re: Ending tasks manually

                          Hum sorry but I don't have lot of time to build an sample of the error. I found a (dirty) way to do the job :
                          I noticed that although taskInstance.end(transition) doesn't work, token.signal(transition) does. So here is what I've done :

                          Transition tr=taskInstance.getTask().getTaskNode().getLeavingTransition("refusee");
                           Token currentToken = processInstance.getRootToken();
                           @SuppressWarnings(value={"unchecked"}) //taskMgmtSession returns a raw List... We ignore the warning thrown by Java
                           List<TaskInstance> userTaskList2 = taskMgmtSession.findTaskInstances(demande.getDemandeur().getUsername());
                           for(int j = 0 ; j < userTaskList2.size() ; j++)
                           TaskInstance taskInstance2 = userTaskList2.get(j);
                           if(taskInstance2.getProcessInstance().getId() == processInstanceId)

                          It is a temporary solution, and it's not optimized but it works. I keep it like that until I don't find a clean way... (I still suspect that taskInstance.end(transition) doesn't work properly).

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