4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 12, 2009 11:55 AM by kukeltje

    Problem with Errors in named queries when deploying jbpm wit

      Hi All,

      I am trying to use jbpm 3.3.1 with oracle 10g and weblogic 10.3. I get the following exception from hibernate when i deploy the application:

      org.hibernate.HibernateException: Errors in named queries: GraphSession.deleteJobsForProcessInstance, JobSession.deleteTimersForProcessInstance, GraphSession.AllProcessNames, JobSession.suspendJobs, JobSession.deleteExecuteNodeJobsForProcessInstance, GraphSession.deleteTaskInstancesById, JobSession.deleteTimersByName, JobSession.resumeJobs

      I tried to chenge the server to a tomcat server or the database to mysql and the same problem exists. I saw in some post that using the latest version of hibernate will solve the problem but this haven't done the trick.
      The problem exists in the
      but i don't know how to change the queries there.

      Is anyone that experienced a simular problem and solve it that can help?

      Thanks a lot.