1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 12, 2010 7:18 AM by madsph

    Installing jBpm to GateIn

      I tried to install jBpm-4.1 to the new GateIn portal (JBoss and exo portals put together) and I run into some problems.

      First I installed GateIn 3.0.0-Beta01 and verified that portal was working.
      Next i tried to install jBpm to GateIn with the ant script in jbpm's install folder, using the default hsql database. Jbpm console started to work and the jbpm was looking good, but the portal wasn't working anymore. Restarting the server didn't fix the problem.

      On the second attempt i switched to use mysql db, using the ant targets I initialized the schema and filled it with demo data. Also I changed the properties in mysql data properties to match. This time portal wasn't working(no change there), but neither was jbpm console, the log showed that jbpm was unable to make connection to database.

      There were some properties in build.xml which I had to change to make the build work, namely jboss.home and jboss.version, there could be something else that should be changed to make the build work.

      Has anyone else tried to install jbpm to gatein?


        • 1. Re: Installing jBpm to GateIn

          I know this is an old post, but I just tried something similar installing jbpm-4.3 on GateIn-3.0.0-GA using postgresql 8.4 as db.


          I used the ant install scripts, and all I needed to do afterwards was removing the juel* jar files from jbpm/jbpm-service.sar.