0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 8, 2009 6:55 AM by cash1981

    jPDL decision or fork?



      I am quite new to jBPM and wondering what I should in the following example.

      This is the snippet of the jpdl file:

      <task-node name="review">
       <event type="node-enter">
       <action expression="#{attachmentHandler.setupAttachments}"></action>
       <action expression="#{templateAttachmentHandler.setupTemplateAttachments}"></action>
       <task name="10-reviewInput" swimlane="handlingOfficer"></task>
       <task name="20-reviewAttachment" swimlane="handlingOfficer"></task>
       <task name="30-rulingAssessment" swimlane="handlingOfficer"></task>
       <transition name="next" to="permit"></transition>
       <task-node name="permit">
       <task name="40-ruling" swimlane="handlingOfficer"></task>
       <task name="50-sendPermit" swimlane="handlingOfficer"></task>
       <transition name="denied" to="denied"></transition>
       <transition name="next" to="end"></transition>

      In the task
      <task name="30-rulingAssessment" swimlane="handlingOfficer"></task>

      The user handlingOfficer has the option to do something. If he does A, I would like to design in JBPM "skip 40-ruling and go straight to 50-sendPermit", and if he choose option B in 30-rulingAssessment, I want to have the same behaviour as modeled.

      So my question is, how can I do this? Should I create a fork somehow from rulingAssessment or maybe just a decision node?