0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 1, 2006 7:47 AM by tom.baeyens

    enterprise test set up


      i have completed the first enterprise test set up.

      as a prerequisite, a jboss should be installed with a jbpm server configuration and some jbpm deployments. this can be created with the jboss/configuration/build.xml, target install.jboss.and.configure.jbpm

      then, the test stuff is added to the enterprise/ear subproject. there is a target called test.serverside. that script will do the following:

      1) build the normal .ear first.
      2) unzip it
      3) add a jbpm-test.war with cactus based junit tests
      4) repackage this into a new .ear file jbpm-test.ear
      5) deploy this .ear file to jboss using jmx
      6) run the cactus tests in jboss
      7) generate the html test report
      8) on windows, a browser is automatically opened to view the test results

      that should help in developing, testing and guarding the enterprise confiugrations of jbpm usage.

      next i will be adding actual tests that will check for the proper operation of asynchronous continuations over a jms based messaging service.