1 2 Previous Next 19 Replies Latest reply on Jun 27, 2009 8:17 AM by tom.baeyens Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Start process with form

        i was thinking a direct link.

        in the jpdl process:

        <start form="forms/StartForm.form">...

        in the object model / api:

        assertEquals("forms/StartForm.form", getStartFormResourceName("MyProcess", null) );

        in the business archive:


        • 16. Re: Start process with form

          But then my question again

          There should also be a method on the taskservice to get the form for a normal task, why also have a special separate method to retrieve a form on the start activity if you already need a special method to retrieve the start activity?

          • 17. Re: Start process with form

            Yeah, I think this kind of indirection is missing in the task forms yet, we already discussed about that:

            • 18. Re: Start process with form

              i'm adding these two to the repository service:

              /** find all the activity names of the start activities for a given
               * process definition. Only top level activities are scanned.
               * Every activity that doesn't have incoming transitions is considered
               * a start activity. For the moment, jPDL only supports one
               * start activity. Start activity names can be null. */
               List<String> getStartActivityNames(String processDefinitionId);
               /** the resource name for the given start activity. It is assumed that
               * the ProcessDefinition is already retrieved. From the ProcessDefinition,
               * the {@link ProcessDefinition#getId()} and the {@link ProcessDefinition#getDeploymentId()}
               * can be retrieved. The activityName can be obtained via {@link #getStartActivityNames(String)}.
               * An InputStream for the resource can be obtained with {@link #getResourceAsStream(String, String)} */
               String getStartFormResourceName(String processDefinitionId, String activityName);

              task forms are exposed through Task.getForm(). In order to make that method name consistent, I'll be refactoring it to Task.getFormResourceName()

              • 19. Re: Start process with form

                here's the example usage (ProcessDefinitionStartFormTest):

                public void testFormInUnnamedStartActivity() {
                 String deploymentDbid =
                 "<process name='make print'>" +
                 " <start form='org/jbpm/test/process/ProcessDefinitionStartForm.form' />" +
                 ProcessDefinition processDefinition =
                 .processDefinitionName("make print")
                 String processDefinitionId = processDefinition.getId();
                 List<String> startActivityNames = repositoryService.getStartActivityNames(processDefinitionId );
                 List<String> expectedStartActivityNames = new ArrayList<String>();
                 assertEquals(expectedStartActivityNames, startActivityNames);
                 String startFormResourceName = repositoryService.getStartFormResourceName(processDefinitionId, null);
                 assertEquals("org/jbpm/test/process/ProcessDefinitionStartForm.form", startFormResourceName);
                 InputStream formInputStream = repositoryService.getResourceAsStream(processDefinition.getDeploymentId(), startFormResourceName);
                 String formContents = new String(IoUtil.readBytes(formInputStream));
                 assertEquals("start task form", formContents);
                 public void testFormInNamedStartActivity() {
                 String deploymentDbid =
                 "<process name='make print'>" +
                 " <start name='start' form='org/jbpm/test/process/ProcessDefinitionStartForm.form' />" +
                 ProcessDefinition processDefinition =
                 .processDefinitionName("make print")
                 String processDefinitionId = processDefinition.getId();
                 List<String> startActivityNames = repositoryService.getStartActivityNames(processDefinitionId );
                 List<String> expectedStartActivityNames = new ArrayList<String>();
                 assertEquals(expectedStartActivityNames, startActivityNames);
                 String startFormResourceName = repositoryService.getStartFormResourceName(processDefinitionId, "start");
                 assertEquals("org/jbpm/test/process/ProcessDefinitionStartForm.form", startFormResourceName);
                 InputStream formInputStream = repositoryService.getResourceAsStream(processDefinition.getDeploymentId(), startFormResourceName);
                 String formContents = new String(IoUtil.readBytes(formInputStream));
                 assertEquals("start task form", formContents);

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