1. Re: NonNullLinkedHashSet
aloubyansky Oct 2, 2007 5:49 PM (in response to starksm64)It was used for collections and specified with XmlElement.type which in case of collection types should be used to bind collection item to a Java type, not the collection impl class. AFAIK, there is no way to customize the collection impl using JAXB annotations.
2. Re: NonNullLinkedHashSet
starksm64 Oct 2, 2007 5:59 PM (in response to starksm64)I dropped the usage of this type in the binding specification, and the ContainerConfigurationMetaData is parsing again.
3. Re: NonNullLinkedHashSet
adrian.brock Oct 3, 2007 5:18 AM (in response to starksm64)The purpose of the NonNullLinkedHashMap is so we keep the ordering of elements
and also to avoid nulls getting the metadata.
If you just use a normal HashMap you loose the ordering
(which maybe important in some places!)
If XMLElement.type is the wrong place to define the implementation class then
we should define our own annotation. -
4. Re: NonNullLinkedHashSet
aloubyansky Oct 3, 2007 10:44 AM (in response to starksm64)Yes, we can do that or use NonNullLinkedHashMap explicitly, i.e. as the return type of the getter.