0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 9, 2007 6:35 AM by luker74

    env-entry lookup problem in jboss


      Hi all,
      i'm trying to lookup an env-entry from a java client program, and also from a servlet, but in all cases jboss says that the env-entry is not bound.
      I use jboss3.2.8sp1 my code is:

      Properties properties = new Properties();
      properties.put("java.naming.provider.url", "jnp://");
      properties.put("jnp.disableDiscovery", "true");
      properties.put("j2ee.clientName", "orologio-client");
      InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(properties);
      try {
      envEntry = (String)ic.lookup("OROLOG");
      } catch (NamingException ne) {
      throw new ServiceLocatorException(ne);

      and the ebj-jar.xml is :

      The caller of the factory


      the problem is:
      11:35:47,654 INFO [STDOUT] it.ausystems.progettoejb.dao.OrologioDAOException: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: OROLOG not bound

      can you help me?
