1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 7, 2007 7:06 AM by mnouwens1

    Remote jndi Lookup



      I have a problem. I have Services inside Ejb's inside Ear files. I have serveral war's that should be deployed stand alone. I can get it to work when I remove the interface defenition libraries from the war/lib directory.

      I have two issues with this:
      * I cannot deploy diferent versions of an Ear on the same server. With matching war's
      * War files should be able to include the interface libraries in the lib dir.
      * I must redeploy every war files when I redeploy a back end ear. This is not fun if you have 5 war's which should just keep working.

      Has anybody any idea how to change this behavior towards like it does on bea or glassfish. Accoring to the classloading specs in j2ee standard this should be possible. It's possible i expect but I cannot find any reference toward what to configure in jboss.
