0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 23, 2009 10:36 AM by mannam.tessco

    weblogic jndi lookup from jboss in cluster

      I am having a problem with the following code in a jboss cluster environment.

      javax.naming.Context context = null;
      Properties properties = new Properties();
      properties.setProperty( Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://hostname:6131" );
      properties.setProperty( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory" );
      context = new InitialContext( properties );
      out.println( context.lookup( "QueueConnectionFactory" ) );

      The above code works fine in default jboss server. I am using the following

      JBoss 5.1.0.GA ( using wlclient to connect )
      Weblogic 8.1

      I get CORBA.initialize exception in the cluster ( all environment ) and it works fine in default envirobment.

      Could someone please help me in this.
