0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 15, 2005 4:27 PM by pshrimpton

    Separating the Portlets from the Portal



      I have the need for a Portal framework, and as a long time user of JBoss, JBoss Portal is the obvious first choice.

      I have been playing around with it (and the Portlet API) for a few days now and have come across a few 'issues' (which could be all be me, being a newbie to Portals and all that!).

      The main one being that, with no offence to the developers, I don't need or want any of the OTB portlets. I don't need CMS or Preferences, and the User/Role Portlets do not fit my needs.

      So my first step was to try and remove the unneeded Portlets from the distribution. This was easy for some (Test and Preferences), but I quickly got stuck on the rest. CMS was tied to the Tree Cache, and the User/RoleModule seems to be a major component.

      If anyone can give me some pointers on how to remove the CMS portlet, and how to replace the User/RoleModule I would be very grateful. At the very least I will produce a Wiki page, and at best I will help to separate the Portal from the Portlets into different libraries via code donations.
