1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 20, 2006 11:41 AM by grego1

    instancemgr value not set


      Fresh install of Portal 2.4.0 Beta 1 using mysql. No changes yet, other than adding a user.

      When I go to the Admin tab, there is an error message in the top right hand box - I believe it should be the "management portlet" pane - the one above the "CMS Admin" pane.

      The error in the title section of the pane is:
      An error occured while rendering window 'default.Admin.ManagementPortletWindow'

      and in the body of the pane:
      Cannot get value for expression '#{instancemgr}'

      This happens for both the admin/admin user, as well as another user that I've created with admin rights.

      I've done a quick search for the instancemgr setting, and it appears to be used in faces-config.xml, but I can't see where it should be set. Any thoughts?
