0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 12, 2006 5:21 PM by portalgeek

    Problems with HelloWorldJSPPortlet



      I have installed JBossPortal . I guess it is running. When i type in http://localhost:8080/portal, i can see the default page.

      I have read chapter 5 (Portal primer) in user manual. I am trying to run the HelloWorldJSPPortlet, but unable to do so.

      I have done the following.

      1. Downloaded the zip file
      2. Build the project using ant
      3. exploded it.
      4. Did a hot deploy ( I can see on the server command promt that HelloWorldJSPPortlet context path info), by copying the war file to deploy folder under server

      5. After that when i say http://localhost
      :8080/portal, i cannot see HelloWorld JSP portlet on the default tab, as specified in the document

      Please provide some pointers
