0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 10, 2006 2:08 PM by walbar

    Portal memory consumption question



      I am evaluating JBoss Portal and portlets technology in general to see if fulfills my needs.

      My current project is a web-portal with thousands of hits per second and it will be composed of many servers in a cluster. I am wondering about the usage of memory JBoss Portal performs, since to work in a cluster it needs to replicate the sessions and I guess that if portlets store too many things in the session, this approach (portlets, JBoss, etc.) gets quite inefficient.

      What I would like to know:

      - How much portlet infrastructure is present on each user session (things that I have to multiply for the number of open sessions, maybe window states, preferences, etc.)?
      - Are there shared singletone portlet infranstructure objects common to all sessions?

      Thanks in advance for your answers,
