1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 6, 2007 3:54 PM by peterj

    Scope of the "portlet-name" ?

      The portlet-name is defined in portlet.xml and jboss-portlet.xml - what is teh scope of this name ? the war file ?

      Portlet-instances.xml reference thoses portlet-names, do they have to be unique names accross all war files ?

      Thanks to answer, I could not figure this out from teh database or the documentation.


        • 1. Re: Scope of the

          The portal-name must be unique within the war file (or application). The full portlet name is [local|remote].<app-name>.<portlet-name>. The best place to see this is log in as admin, go to the Management Portlet, and click on the Portlets link. Note the names of the portlets as provided in the table.

          In the portlet-instances.xml file, the "local.<app-name>" prefix is assumed when referencing the portlet. I believe you can, however, use the full portlet name.