1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 26, 2007 3:49 AM by theute

    manual build of portal does not result in working software


      I cannot run the jboss-portal.sar a build produces
      1) I downloaded jboss-portal-2.6-CR1
      2) Unzipped it.
      3) jboss/bin/run.sh
      IT WORKS FINE (After dropping all tables from previous portal)

      4) I use svn http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/portal
      5) export JBOSS_HOME=/path-to-unzipped-portal/jboss
      6) build/build.sh clean exploded-deploy
      7) I remove the old version of jboss-portal.sar
      8) Buid goes fine and it produces jboss-portal-exploded.sar
      in the directory
      9) run jboss/bin/run.sh --> starts the server a little too fast
      10 --> DO NOT WORK GOOD
      a) this time right-hand-side portlets seems to be away
      b) Under BETA1 I got an error 500

      Until some changes in the build-procedure I probably justs have to
      face the fact that I cannot build it
      It scares me a lot... I'm working with something that is out of my

        • 1. Re: manual build of portal does not result in working softwa

          Keep cool.

          When you do build/build.sh clean exploded-deploy you only deploy the core portal.

          If you want the CMS (What you meant by right side i guess) go to core-cms and do "ant deploy"

          If you want the Admin portlet, go to core-admin, do 'ant deploy'

          If you want the Test portlets + News portlet, go to core-sample, do 'ant deploy'

          So you can work on individual pieces without redeploying everything, it is more developer friendly.

          OR if you want the same thing as the binary you can download use the distrib.xml build file.