0 Replies Latest reply on May 17, 2007 7:41 AM by hreintke

    Multiple region layouts in one portal


      What I would like to achieve is having multiple region layouts in my portal.
      For example one page having the standard 30-70% 2 column, another a 50-50 2 column and yet another a 30-30-30 3 column layout.

      I have been experimenting with :

      1/ create a new theme (a copy of an existing and update the css for the regionA and regionB.
      But in this way you can never change the view of your portal anymore in a single (or limited) way. In fact you always have themes specific to pages instead of themes to a portal.

      2/ Update a layout (f.e generic) to include more regions (regionA, regionB, RegionA50,regionB50, regionA30,regionB30,regionC30) and include defintions for these in the portal_style of f.e renaissance theme and include them in de index.jsp of the layout.
      But this way, when placing portlet instances on a page you get all possible regions and really have to be carefull to only use the regions which are supposed to be used together.

      Questions :

      - Is there a way to limit the shown regions in the page layout edit page of the management portlet ?
      - Is there a way to define the regions definitions in a "layout level" css, in the way I have it now, I need to update all themes to include all region definitions
      - Are there other ways to accomplish my ideas ?

      Kind regards,

      Herman Reintke