1 2 Previous Next 23 Replies Latest reply on Jul 27, 2007 9:04 AM by k3nnymusic Go to original post
      • 15. Re: how can i get current PortalNode

        Please tell mi the way, which I can do this fast. What classes shoudl I use?

        • 16. Re: how can i get current PortalNode

          You will get only the nodes on which the user has read access.

          Check the catalog portlet, it does what you are trying to do

          • 17. Re: how can i get current PortalNode

            The problem is I have got nodes off all pages inlude this where I haven't got permission. I use jboss portal 2.4.2. There are in 2.6 this bug fixed? I guess you are talking about 2.6, right?

            • 18. Re: how can i get current PortalNode

              Yes i was talking about 2.6.

              In 2.4 it is different, but if you look at the catalog portlet you should be able to figure out how to access the correct service to check for permissions.

              • 19. Re: how can i get current PortalNode

                I trying to do that in 2.4.2 but I have got one more trouble.
                I can't find

                in any jar, and sources in this version of portal, so I don't know how can I get node URI string to
                PortalObjectPermission(java.lang.String uri, int mask)

                I tried to get string uri from PortalNodeURL, but then I have got unhandled exception type for

                There is any possibility to import this class from newest version of portal, or to use other class?

                Oryginal code from CatalogPortlet.java, with my diferences:

                CorePortalNode pn = (CorePortalNode)parentSibling; //- I dont have CorePortalNode Class
                PortalObjectPermission perm = new PortalObjectPermission(pn.getObjectId(), PortalObjectPermission.VIEW_MASK); //so I haven't got pn object
                if (portalAuthorizationManagerFactory.getManager().checkPermission(perm))
                 allowed = true;
                 allowed = false;

                • 20. Re: how can i get current PortalNode

                  sorry I know whats is the reason of unhandlet excepotion,
                  but I don't know if I can Use URL like URI like this:

                  PortalNodeURL secURL = resp.createRenderURL(page);
                   PortalObjectPermission perm = new PortalObjectPermission(secURL.toString(),2);
                   if (portalAuthorizationManagerFactory.getManager().checkPermission(perm))

                  • 21. Re: how can i get current PortalNode

                    one more mistake, replace 2 to PortalObjectPermission.VIEW_MASK
                    is this code correct?

                    PortalNodeURL secURL = resp.createRenderURL(page);
                     PortalObjectPermission perm = new PortalObjectPermission(secURL.toString(),PortalObjectPermission.VIEW_MASK);
                     if (portalAuthorizationManagerFactory.getManager().checkPermission(perm))

                    • 22. Re: how can i get current PortalNode

                      Could you tell me how should looks URI in PortalObjectPermission constructor argument?
                      And how can I have it without CorePortalNode object????

                      • 23. Re: how can i get current PortalNode

                        There is any possibility to do it in 2.4.2 version? I am a little scared about you don't anaswer:) Please tell me the easiest way

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