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1. Re: Spring MVC Portlet framework for Development
swisst Feb 8, 2008 11:34 AM (in response to gudram)Check out this for Spring portlet development
2. Re: Spring MVC Portlet framework for Development
gudram Feb 19, 2008 10:31 AM (in response to gudram)Thank you Swisst, I did go through all the available information and tutorial on Spring MVC portlet framework. Now, as I said, from an application design perspective, I have a portal application which is more of an MVC web application and I need to convert this into a portal application with all the sections of the applications as portlets. I am firm on this design. The only question that I have is can the landing page or the content aggregator be implemented using Spring web MVC ? I am still perplexed with the design decisions that i need to make.
Appreciate any help in this regard.
Ram -
3. Re: Spring MVC Portlet framework for Development
swisst Feb 19, 2008 10:44 AM (in response to gudram)I guess I am confused by this statement:
I tried the Spring MVC Porlet framework example but not able to understand whether we can have Servlet as the base request handler on top of which I can place the MVC portlet framework?
Let's take a step say you are new to Spring, have you used Struts before? If so, think of them as analogous in the Servlet (typical web app) world. **Calm down Spring guru's, I know there is a lot more to Spring, we are just talking MVC.
Now, move into the Portlet world...there is no DispatcherServlet, however, there is a DispatcherPortlet that will delegate all of the requests to the proper Controllers (think Struts Actions). The Spring portlet framework class structure mirrors that of it's Servlet cousin, but the starting point is not a Servlet, rather it is a Portlet.
There are countless books on the Spring Framework (I like the "..In Action" series myself). Pick up one of these books, and it will help you to learn Spring for the Servlet world. Just remember that most tutorials for the Servlet world will transfer to the Portlet world, thanks to the mirrored class structure.
Does that help?